------------------- one of the study of "Human Resource Management" notes
I. Difference in the concept of management
The book suggests that the traditional human resource management will be regarded as "tools", while modern human resource management will be regarded as "resources", focusing on the generation and development.
The book suggests that traditional human resource management treats people as "tools", while modern human resource management treats people as "resources" and focuses on generating and developing them. Note that here, there are two states of resources, one is to produce, which should be the traditional human resource management contains important content, and the other development, is the traditional human resource management does not have or does not have the function. And this is the core of modern human resource management. In the modern enterprise system, we say what is the core competitiveness of the enterprise, is the people. Only talents have irreplaceable and unrepeatable advantages. However, the talent can not be used to fetishism, although we can also be airdrop, but that is only for a very few executives or cutting-edge technical talent, we can not be all the corporate talent are airdrop it, we can not rely only on individual cutting-edge talent or executives to create our corporate value, so we say that corporate talent must rely on their own cultivation and discovery, therefore, human resources management department an important task is to develop. Therefore, an important task of the human resource management department is to develop. This is in many foreign-funded enterprises, we can find that the human resource management of foreign enterprises to really achieve a people-oriented, they can be said to be attentive to the training of workers, career prospects of the planning, and it is so that there are many talents converge to foreign enterprises, we think that foreign enterprises to attract people is not just relying on the high salary, in fact, our individual private enterprises, or even the state-owned enterprises of the salary level will not be worse than some of the foreign enterprises. The key lies in the cultural atmosphere of the two enterprises, and the fundamental reason lies in the level of manpower development of the enterprise.
Second, the shift in the center of gravity of management
Traditional human resource management to "things" and "things" as the core, and modern human resource management to "people" as the core. The core of modern human resource management is "people". Here we have to discuss what is "things", "things" and "people", I think "things" and "things", "people" is the core of modern human resource management. I think that "things" and "things" should be attributed to the relevant system, rewards and penalties, and so on, these are things that can be materialized, and at the same time, this is also the past human resources management department focus on the management tools. As for "people", I think it should refer to the measures taken by the human resources department to enhance human resources capacity, such as career planning and training programs for employees. If my understanding is correct, then even if we advocate modern human resources management today, we still cannot do without a strict set of "things" and "things" to limit, otherwise, although we say that the core of the human being is the human being, it is very likely to form a situation in which things are set up according to the human being, and things are different according to the human being. Otherwise, although we say that we are human-centered, it is very likely that things will be set up according to people and things will vary according to people. In my opinion, the focus of modern human resources management is to break the various networks of relationships that existed in enterprises in the past and to form a fair and just incentive and distribution mechanism. If we cannot break these networks of relationships and if we do not have a strict, fair and just system, it will be impossible to achieve the goal of "putting people at the heart of the matter". Therefore, in this sense, "things" and "people" are equally important, or mutual basis.
Three, the management vision and content of the difference
"The traditional human resource management function is to recruit new people to fill vacancies. And modern human resource management not only has this function, but also to take on the task of work design, standardize the work process, coordination of work relations." From this aspect, modern human resource management its management scope and management vision than the past personnel management has a great expansion, it can be said that the focus and focus has been completely different, in such a system, the quality of human resource management personnel requirements are very high, because he not only has to have the knowledge structure of the modern human resource management, but also has to have a considerable experience in business management, so that he can carry out the work design and work process standardization. On the existing human resource management department of state-owned enterprises personnel structure, most of them are inherent in the traditional human resource management department, from the concept and knowledge structure, do not yet have the ability to do so, if these people as the main body to implement modern human resource management is almost impossible to accomplish. Therefore, the implementation of modern management system in state-owned enterprises in few successful examples, it should be said that human resource management is an important obstacle.
Four, management principles and methods of difference
I thought that the traditional labor and personnel management and modern human resource management in the management principles and methods in fact there is no difference, the difference lies in the good management and bad management. Doesn't the labor and personnel management in the past need innovative management methods? Doesn't it need the knowledge of psychology, economics and management? This is incorrect. Whether under the old labor and personnel management or the modern human resource management model, as a good manager, he will certainly automatically learn, absorb new knowledge and apply it to his work. If there is a difference, it lies in the fact that modern human resource management has made this need even more urgent, promoting managers to enhance their learning in this area.
Reward me... Hee~~
Fifth, the difference in management organization
Modern human resource management to break the past labor and personnel management mode under the rules and regulations, which involves the distribution of many enterprises in the vested interests of the problem, so this is a difficult problem for enterprises. In fact, I think the modern human resource management should focus on the workflow, jobs, incentives, the effectiveness of the rationality of the assessment, on the training and scheduling of human resources, and for the establishment of specific positions, pay incentives and salary should be issued by other professional departments (such as finance) to develop and operate. This is also in line with modern human resource management, "people-oriented" ideas, more relevant to the actual enterprise, but also conducive to the enterprise's human resources department does not become an absolute power sector, because, decentralized power, there are constraints on the power of the direction of the development of modern enterprises.
ps: see so many points not to add can not be embarrassed
1. traditional personnel management is characterized by "things" as the center, only see "things", do not see "people ", only see a certain aspect, but do not see people and things as a whole, systematic, emphasizing the "things" of a single aspect of the static control and management, the form and purpose of its management is to "control people"; and modern human resource management to "People" as the core, emphasizing a dynamic, psychological, consciousness regulation and development, the fundamental starting point of management is "focus on people", its management comes down to the system optimization of people and things, resulting in enterprises to achieve the best social and economic benefits.
2. The traditional personnel management to set people as a cost, people as a "tool", focusing on input, use and control. And modern human resource management as a "resource", focusing on output and development. Is a "tool", you can control it at will, use it, is a "resource", especially as a resource, you have to be careful to protect it, guide it, develop it. No wonder some scholars put forward: pay attention to the management of human resources, and that the management philosophy of the 21st century is "only truly emancipated by the managers, in order to ultimately emancipate the managers themselves".
3. Traditional personnel management is a functional department alone to use the tool, seems to have little to do with other functions, but modern human resource management is very different from this. Implementation of human resources management functions in the organizations of the personnel department gradually become an important partner in the decision-making departments, thus raising the status of the personnel department in decision-making. Human resource management involves every manager in an organization, and modern managers should make it clear that they are both the business manager of their department and the human resource manager of that department. The main responsibility of the human resource management department lies in the formulation of human resource planning, development policy, focusing on the development of human potential and training, as well as training of other functional managers or administrators, to improve their level of management and quality of people. Therefore, every manager of the enterprise, not only to complete the enterprise's production and sales targets, but also to develop a team of employees who can fight hard for the realization of the enterprise's organizational goals.
The difference between traditional personnel management and human resource management Traditional personnel management and human resource management have 10 major differences .
1. management perspective is different. Traditional personnel management viewed manpower as a cost, while modern human resource management not only think that people are a cost, but also view manpower as the first of the 4 resources, through scientific management can be appreciated and value-added.
2. Different types of management. Traditional personnel management is mostly "reactive management", and modern human resources is "active development management".
3. The focus of management is different. The traditional personnel management only emphasizes the cooperation with the matter, and modern human resource management more emphasis on **** between the interpersonal relations between the harmony and coordination, especially labor relations and coordination between professional and technical personnel.
4. Different levels of management. Traditional personnel management are generally at the executive level, while modern human resource management is generally into the decision-making level, personnel activities of the functional diversification.
5. The focus of management is different. The focus of traditional personnel management is centered on the matter, in the management system is forced to fall into the subordinate position. And the focus of modern human resource management is centered on people, the real embodiment of people in the management of the core position.
6. The breadth of management is different. Traditional personnel management focuses only on the management of their own personnel, and modern human resource management not only to manage their own personnel, but also must be on the organization today and in the future a variety of human resources requirements for scientific forecasting and planning.
7. The depth of management is different. Traditional personnel management focuses only on the use of workers' apparent ability to play the inherent ability of people, while modern human resource management focuses on the development of the potential of workers to constantly stimulate their work motivation.
8. Different forms of management. Traditional personnel management are generally highly specialized individual static management, while modern human resource management is the use of flexible and diverse overall dynamic management, to create opportunities for workers to display their talents and environment.
9. Management of different ways. Traditional personnel management methods mechanical single, while the modern human resource management methods are flexible and diverse, the extensive introduction of natural science and engineering theory, is the scientific rationality and humanism in the modern management theory of the organic combination of the model.
10. The nature of the management department is different. The traditional personnel management department belongs to the non-production and non-efficiency department, while the modern human resource management department gradually becomes the production and efficiency department.
From the above, it can be seen that human resource management and personnel management is not only a difference in title, they represent the different characteristics of different historical stages in the management of people. From personnel management to human resource management, is a historical necessity.
Traditional personnel management and human resources differences and links
Simply put, human resource management is to predict the organization's human resource needs and make human demand plan, recruitment and selection of personnel and effective organization, assessment of performance and payment of compensation and effective incentives, combined with the needs of the organization and the individual for effective development in order to achieve the optimal performance of the organization of the whole process. Human resource management is a specific application of people-oriented thinking in the organization. Human resource management is the inheritance and development of personnel management, with personnel management and generally similar functions, but due to the change of the guiding ideology, resulting in a qualitative difference between the two from the form, content to effect. In addition, human resource management is the management of human resources within the organization, but in recent years, due to the development of organizational forms, especially the emergence of virtual organizations, so that the organizational boundaries have become fuzzy, and human resources previously considered to be outside the organization are also included in the internal management of the organization, so that the object of human resource management to expand. For example, Motorola implements training to manage its suppliers and agents.
The way we manage people is based on certain assumptions about "human nature," and this is especially true for human resource management, where these assumptions about people form the philosophy of human resource management. The distinction between "personnel management" (PersonnelManagement) and "human resource management" (HumanResourceManagement) is really just a philosophical one.
Personnel management is based on the assumption of "complex people", assuming that people have different needs in different situations, based on these needs to motivate them. Human resource management is based on a new "value of human" assumption, he broke through the traditional Maslow's hierarchy of needs, that everyone has self-development, self-realization, the desire to advance, the pursuit of development, even if their physiological, safety, social and respect needs have not been fully satisfied, which is increasingly popular in higher education, the general improvement of the quality of the population, and the improvement of the quality of the population. This is in the increasing popularization of higher education, the general improvement of the quality of the population, the knowledge economy is coming today, especially in those high-level talents gathered in multinational companies is tenable. Of course, this need to realize self-worth in the case of the same external material conditions, there are large individual differences, but those who have a strong desire for self-realization in the survival and development of the company plays a decisive role. This assumption makes the company put the goal of human resource management on improving the quality of employees' working life and satisfying their needs for growth and self-actualization.
In personnel management, the firm's view of people is limited to the fact that manpower is a cost and is used with the goal of economizing; whereas human resource management develops and controls people as resources that can be exploited and bring benefits. Costs are the payments that have to be made in order to achieve goals, while "capital is the value that brings surplus value". In this way, human resource management focuses on the development of human resources with the goal of achieving and developing both the individual and the organization. Although there is training in personnel management, and these trainings will bring development to the employees, but from the point of view of the enterprise, these trainings are only to meet the work needs and have to make the cost payment. The training in human resource development is to improve the quality and ability of employees, improve performance as the goal of active training.
Because of personnel management, business owners will be regarded as a cost, in their view, the employee's gain is exactly what they lost, in their eyes this is just a simple game of zero, so the labor-management relations are relatively tense, the personnel department is often caught in the trap of labor disputes, they are forced to service, security, employee participation and other means of easing the labor-management relations. In human resource management as human resources that can be developed and can bring benefits, enterprises will take the initiative to establish mutual trust, full participation, cooperation, a win-win game.
Organizationally, the former personnel department is only one of the many departments of the organization, its function is only part of the overall personnel management, other departments such as administration, production and other departments have undertaken the corresponding work. In human resource management, human resource management as an idea runs through all levels of the enterprise, creating integrated functions within the organization. The role of HRM is becoming more and more important in the organization. The main target of personnel management is the management, while the operation level in the enterprise is still regarded as labor force for management, which not only hurts their motivation, but also makes it difficult to melt the relationship between the two sides. In the human resource management that regards employees as resources, the development of such resources is not only limited to the management, but also to the development of individuals and enterprises *** with the goal of human resource management, will be expanded to all aspects of labor-management relations. Performance evaluation in personnel management is aimed at finding out the status of employee performance, and as a strong basis for compensation, rewards and punishments, and promotion, so employees have a resistance mentality, fear of performance evaluation. The purpose of performance evaluation in human resource management is to obtain information about the current status of employee performance, to find the gap with the current and future requirements, employees with excellent performance will be encouraged by material incentives, promotion and other incentives, while employees with poor performance will be given the opportunity to receive training, laying the foundation for the future development of their careers. All employees will benefit from this, and performance appraisal becomes a powerful means of active communication between employees and the company.
Previously, the work of the personnel department is passive, routine, such as attendance, payroll, etc., encountered problems to calm down, and human resource management from the perspective of resource development, career development of employees and corporate development, forward-looking attention to changes in the internal and external environment of the organization, such as technological updating, the employee's mindset, and so on, according to the needs of the organization's development of the challenging to open up. In short, from personnel management to human resource management is a thought innovation, their differences are not just the form, but there is an essential difference.