Overseas company registration to find an agent

Now usually come to find an agent to register an overseas company, how to register an overseas company? Take a look at the following Xiao Xiao brought you overseas registered company to find an agent, which may have what you need.

Luxembourg company registration

Luxembourg company is not only the gateway to Europe, but also one of the best holding vehicles for global investment, super five-star reputation, perfect financial system, and rich and flexible bilateral tax agreements make the registration of Luxembourg company become the first choice of high-end customers overseas investment operations.

Excellent geographical location in the heart of Europe near Frankfurt and Paris, with easy access to Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Relatively the safest and most stable political environment, with membership in the most important economic and political institutions in Europe.

Multilingual primary markets.

Europe's best-known banking sector and the world's 7th largest financial center.

Ability to provide anonymous and secure banking services to foreign companies and investors

Availability of tax exemptions for foreign companies and the most favorable tax regime for multinationals.

Enjoys the lowest VAT regime in Europe with a basic rate of 15% and lower bracket rates of 12%, 6% and 3%.

Encourage the use of the relevant Luxembourg-China tax agreements, recognizing potentially fluctuating tax rates in China.

Chinese products enjoy customs preferences in Luxembourg.

Advantages of Luxembourg holding companies compared to offshore companies

1. Most offshore locations including Cayman, Virgin Islands are blacklisted by the EU countries, US and OECD countries and therefore offshore companies are likely to be taxed in these countries. However Luxembourg has a good reputation and has not been blacklisted by any of these countries.

2. Offshore companies do not benefit from double tax treaties and therefore incur a 5-10% withholding tax on dividend payments to shareholders. On the other hand, Luxembourg Holding Company, as an onshore company, can enjoy the benefits of double tax treaties signed between Luxembourg and almost 50 countries, and therefore does not need to pay withholding tax when paying dividends.

Tax incentives in Luxembourg

1 Investment funds: Luxembourg does not tax dividends and capital gains earned by investment funds in its territory. Investment funds are also usually exempt from corporate income tax, municipal tax and dividend withholding. They are only subject to a 1% subscription tax. Therefore, for Asian investors, the only tax burden of investing in such funds is the payment of tax at the place of residence. However, in most parts of Asia, income from such investments is not taxable.

2 Financial Holding Company (SOPARFI): A SOPARFI company is not a specific type of company, which is subject to ordinary tax regulations. However, a financial holding company can benefit from tax exemptions provided for by double tax agreements concluded by Luxembourg, EU directives and tax regulations.

3 Financial services companies: banks, securities companies, insurance and reinsurance companies and other financial services companies may benefit from incentives on the taxable basis on which they were established. Examples include a neutralization provision for unrealized exchange gains, a provision for future loan losses, a provision for mortgage guarantees, a mathematical reserve and _or_ a catastrophe reserve.

4 Minimum European VAT: The standard rate is 15% and applies to the supply of goods and services as well as to import operations. The reduced rate is 6% and applies to food, agriculture, forestry, electricity, fuel, and industries such as books, newspapers, fertilizers and peat. The specified rate is 3% and can only be applied in certain special cases, such as the medical industry.

5Innovative industries: a 25% corporate income tax and municipal business tax exemption for up to eight years is available for profits made by starting a new business, adopting a new manufacturing process or providing a high-tech service.

6 Audiovisual licenses: for local companies engaged in the production of qualified literary audiovisual products in Luxembourg, an investment license issued by the government may entitle the company to a 30% tax credit on taxable income.

7 Venture Capital Investment License: With a Venture Capital Investment License issued by the Government, new businesses, new production facilities or new technologies suitable for the development of the Luxembourg economy can obtain a 30% tax exemption on profits generated,

8 Research and Development (R&D) Projects: In order to promote research and development (R&D), the Government grants a tax credit equivalent to between 25% and 100% of the R&D costs.

9 Environmental protection: For investments that promote environmental protection and the rational use of energy, tax incentives equal to 25% of their related costs are granted.

10 Guarantees: ? Luxembourg Export Promotion Council? offers interest rebates on loans for the financing of export items.? Payment Guarantee Agency? provides guarantees on exported goods, but also on export risks, particularly those relating to credit. The formalization of these grants can be done through a strictly minimized and enlightened approval process.

11 Cash support: High-tech investments: economically beneficial industry restructuring; research and development of new products, services and manufacturing processes, and other industries, where the investment is made in the form of a financial lease, the lessee may receive cash support.

Belize company registration

Belize geographic location

Belize (also known as Belize) is located in Central America, close to the southern part of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, east of the Caribbean Sea, southwest of Guatemala, the country covers an area of about twenty-two square miles of rainforest accounted for 65% of the region, the longest length of one hundred and seventy miles from south to north, and the widest width from west to east for sixty-eight miles. Belize is a two-hour flight from the United States and there are daily flights from Houston, New Orleans, Miami, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico. The International Airport, near Belize City, is a recently completed international airport that provides daily shipping services from the United States and Central America.

The total population of the country is about 220,000, but about 60,000 are concentrated in the economically active Belize City, which is the administrative district of Belize. The capital city is Belmopan, which has a mild subtropical climate with an average annual temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit and an annual rainfall of about four meters, with a dry season from February to March and a local rainy season from June to July. Belize has 176 miles of coral reefs, the largest coral atoll in the northern hemisphere, and the reefs are a paradise for fishermen and divers, and water sports are plentiful.

Belize Political and Economic Overview

Belize has been a British colony since 1862, and the name of the country was once changed to "BRITISHHONDURAS" by the British. 1973 was the first step on the road to Belizean independence when the local people changed it back to "BELIZE". 1981 saw Belize formally become a fully independent country. Belize is currently a member of the Association of Great Britain and a member of the United Nations. The political system is British, with a Governor General appointed by the Queen of England. The actual administrative effectiveness of the political system is a cabinet system with the Prime Minister forming the cabinet. There are two main political parties, one is the People's United Party and the other is the United Democratic Party, but both parties are committed to the economic development of Belize and spare no effort. The laws of Belize are based on the British civil law, and the court system is similar to that of the United Kingdom, with various business contracts and commercial laws based on the British legal model.

The local currency is the Belize Dollar (BelizeDollar) with a fixed exchange rate of US$BZ$2.00 = US$1.00. English is the official language, but many people still speak Spanish, the language they are accustomed to. The economic contribution of Belize is still dominated by agriculture, with sugar, citrus and bananas as the main exports, and other exports such as clothing and seafood catches. However, the tourism industry, offshore finance and offshore company registration have also been growing in recent years. Belize's overseas trade activities also benefit from the Greater Britain Association, which gives it an excellent advantage in trading with the United States, Canada and other markets in Europe***. The Ministry of Economic Development has developed a sophisticated and effective economic development program that allows Belizeans and foreign investors to receive a 100% tax exemption on imported capital goods and raw materials for up to 15 years, with no restrictions on the repatriation of profits and capital (including capital gains) to the country of investment.

Belize Company Characteristics

Type of company used for international trade and investment: Belize International Business Company (Belize).

Belize Company Business Restrictions: International business offshore companies cannot trade with locals and cannot invest in real estate, land, or property in Belize. The Belize company is restricted from trading with local people and cannot invest in real estate, bancassurance and reinsurance in Belize.

Belize Company Name Restrictions: The name of the company cannot be the same or too similar to the name of a registered company or in a way that would suggest any relationship with the Government of Belize.

Registered capital of a Belize company: Nominal capital is generally US$50,000. The minimum actual capital is generally one share; shares may or may not have a denomination. Bearer shares are also permitted.

Number of shareholders in a Belize company: There is a minimum of one shareholder. A shareholder may be a natural or legal person and may be a resident or legal person of any nationality.

Number of directors of a Belizean company: There is a minimum of one director, who may be a natural or legal person. A director may be a person of any nationality or a legal person incorporated in any country and need not reside in Belize.

Belize (Belize) Company Secretary: Belize offshore companies are not required to appoint a company secretary, although most companies do appoint one. Even if appointed, the secretary does not have to be a resident of Belize and can be a natural or legal person.

Belize company registered address: The registered address of the company must be located in Belize.

Belize Company Name: The name chosen cannot be the same or too similar to a registered name. The name of the company also cannot contain words related to the Belize government or insurance, unless a separate license is applied for.

Company names generally end in Limited, Corporation, Incorporated, SocieteAnonyme (S.A.) or their abbreviations. A company can be named in any language. Companies can be incorporated in any language, and it is quite common to use Chinese for naming and documentation.

Belize Offshore Company Tax Requirements: Offshore companies are not required to pay any direct or other taxes.

Belize Offshore Company Financial Statements:

There are no specific requirements for financial statements. The company is also not required to submit financial statements to any Belize government department.

Disclosure of ultimate beneficial owners of a Belize company: Not required.

Belize Company Registration Fee: The full cost of registering a company with an authorized capital of US$50,000 (plus the cost of courier delivery of documents) includes: government license fee for the first year, registered address and registered agent fee and company kit.

Documents and information to be provided by the customer when registering a Belize company

1. Copy of ID card or passport

2. Proof of address, i.e., documents listing name and address, such as utility bills, telephone bills

Documents available to the customer after registration of a Belize company

1. Certificate of registration (sample certificate of registration);


2. Three copies of Articles of Incorporation (Sample Articles of Incorporation);

3. Two copies of Registered Share Certificates;

4. Two copies of Bearer Share Certificates;

5. Appointment of the First Director;

6. One Steel Seal and One Signature Seal;

Famous overseas offshore companies in the following countries and regions:

Hong Kong

Marshall Islands (Marshall Islands)

The Belizean company is registered in the United States of America. p>The Marshall Islands (TheMarshallIslands)

The British Virgin Islands (


The United Kingdom (TheUnitedKingdom)

Singapore (Singapore)






Panama*** and the Republic of Panama ( TheRepublicofPanama)





Bahamas )


How to Choose a Regular and Legal Agent

With the continuous improvement of modern laws, our legal awareness is getting stronger and stronger, and the business industry is developing in a more and more orderly and legal direction. In this environment, we also need to pay more attention to their own behavior. How should we choose a formal and legal agent registration company?

The first point is that the company must be recognized by the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and have a formal business license agent registration company. If the company is not recognized by the legal process, it is usually irregular. The general public should not easily cooperate with sub-companies.

The second point is that the company has a set of detailed systems, as well as specific operating procedures, to ensure that each service is legal, and the services provided are backed by a legal basis.

The third point, the company has a certain authority in the industry, has a good reputation. And it has a stable relationship with more companies for long-term cooperation.

The above is the overseas registered company looking for an agent, I hope you will like it!

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