Can the mouse pad of Sailor be washed?

Mouse pads can be washed, the following points need to be noted when washing:

1, can not use a brush when washing.

2, can not be lazy to use the washing machine, must be hand-washed.

3, can not use rubbing, wringing, kneading and other violent methods.

4, do not use a strong alkaline detergent such as washing powder.

5, after cleaning, do not hang up to dry or put in the sun.

Cleaning method:

1, the dishwashing detergent or silk wool net and other softer detergents into warm water (you can also use hot water to melt detergents, drying to 20-30 ℃, and then use, the temperature must not be high);

2, will be put inside the mat soak fifteen to thirty minutes, and wait until the water a little bit of a black when the mat in the bottom of the basin, spread. The bottom of the basin spread flat. Use your hands to add some pressure on the cloth surface to rub back and forth. For the key parts that are frequently used, you can rub them with more force, but do not rub them. After surface stains are removed, rinse with plenty of water.

3, the mouse pad rubber residual detergent in all rinse clean. Invisible bubbles as the standard;

4, after cleaning, the pad will be placed on a flat place to lay flat and dry. Because the water inside the rubber will soon flow out, the surface of the mat is only a layer of cloth, dry will be very fast. Do not be anxious to put in the sun exposure or hang up.