National Universities with Nuclear Programs

2023 National (Research) Top 3 Universities with Nuclear Engineering and Technology Programs: Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, Peking University. 2023 National (Applied) Top 3 Universities with Nuclear Engineering and Technology Programs: Hubei Institute of Science and Technology, Chengdu University of Science and Technology College of Engineering and Technology, and Funan College of Nanhua University.

Cultivation Objective: This program cultivates senior engineering and technical personnel with basic knowledge of engineering thermophysics and nuclear engineering technology, who are capable of engaging in the research, design, manufacture, operation, application and management of nuclear engineering and nuclear technology in various related fields.

Cultivation Objective: This program is designed to cultivate senior engineering and technical personnel with basic knowledge of engineering thermophysics and nuclear engineering technology, who are capable of engaging in the research, design, manufacture, operation, application and management of nuclear engineering and nuclear technology in all related fields.

Nuclear engineering and nuclear technology professional employment prospects

Nuclear engineering and nuclear technology professional employment prospects are very good. As one of the most unignorable scientific and technological achievements of mankind in the twentieth century, nuclear science and technology plays an important role in national security, clean energy, medical equipment, agri-food, industrial applications and even the construction of the entire national economy.

Nuclear science and technology is a high-tech intensive field, specializing in many cross-disciplinary. Therefore, "nuclear engineering and nuclear technology" specializing in the employment of graduates in a wide range of fields. Mainly nuclear medical imaging, nuclear detection and nuclear electronics and other high-tech industry, gas pedal medical and nuclear medicine, nuclear power and energy, food and agriculture, industrial applications of nuclear technology and other fields.

Nuclear engineering and nuclear technology college graduates are welcomed by the community, good employment prospects. The main reason is that the nuclear industry in our country is in a period of development, now the professional talents in this area is less, and the opening of this specialty colleges and universities and the number of graduates each year is not much, the vast majority of graduates can find professional counterparts of the work. Therefore, the future employment situation should be optimistic.