The history of Chinese medicine is thousands of years, and the word medical treatment only appeared in recent decades, in fact, it is a newborn word in order to connect with the international standards, and most of the previous use of treatment. Below is my compilation of medical-related German vocabulary, I hope it can help you!
husten cough
niesen sneeze
r.Schnupfen cold
e.Grippe flu
s.Fieber fever
e.Verletzung injury
(sich etwas) brechen fracture
e.Wunde wound
e.Praxis (doctor's) clinic
untersuchen examination
s.Roentgenbild X-ray photograph
e.Behandlung treatment
behandeln Treatment
r.Verband bandage
verbinden bandage
e.Spritze injection
r.Krankenwagen ambulance
operieren give... Operated
pflegen care
sich verschlechtern worsened
e.Besserung got better
sich erholen recovered
aussehen appeared
r.Rollstuhl wheelchair
e.Apotheke pharmacy
s.Rezept prescription
verschreiben prescribing (prescription)
s.Mittel potion
s.Medikament medication
e.Tablette pills
e.Pille pills
< p> wirken in effecte.Salbe ointment
e.Creme moisturizing cream
s.Pflaster ointment
r.Mund mouth
e.Lippe lips
e.Zunge tongue
r.Zahn teeth
s.Haar Hair
e.Haut Skin
r.Koeper Body
r.Muskel Muscle
r.Knochen Bone
e.Schulter Shoulder
e.Brust Chest
r.Bauch Belly
r.Ruecken spine
s.Organ organ
s.Herz heart
s.Blut blood
r.Kreislauf circulation
bluten bleed
r.Magen stomach
e.Leber Liver
r.Darm Intestine
e.Galle Bile
r.Blinddarm Appendix
e.Lunge Lungs
s.Glied Limbs
r.Arm Arm
e.Hand Hand
r. Finger finger
r.Daumen thumb
s.Bein leg
s.Knie knee
e.Zehe toe
r.Nagel nail
e.Gesundheit healthy
fit energetic
schlank slim
zunehmen (weight) gain
dick fat`
e.Diaet special diet
abnehmen (weight) loss
mager thin
duenn thin
kraeftig. stark strong
schwach weak
e.Impfung vaccination
e.Krankheit disease fehlen lack
r.Schmerz pain
e.Erkaeltung cold
sich erkaelten, sich verkuehlen catching a cold ;