Medical device classification includes:
The first class
The routine management of the medical device is sufficient to ensure its safety, medical|education|network collects the effectiveness of medical devices. Such as most surgical instruments, stethoscopes, medical x-ray film, medical x-ray protection, automatic electrophoresis, medical centrifuges, slicers, dental chairs, boiling sterilizers, gauze bandages, elastic bandages, ointment, band-aids, cupping, surgical gowns, surgical hats, masks, urinary collection bags.
The second category
For its safety, effectiveness should be controlled medical devices. Such as thermometers, sphygmomanometers, hearing aids, oxygen concentrators, condoms, acupuncture needles, electrocardiographic diagnostic instruments, non-invasive monitoring instruments, optical endoscopes, portable ultrasound diagnostic instruments, automatic biochemical analyzers, thermostatic incubators, dental comprehensive treatment instrument, medical cotton wool, medical cotton wool, medical gauze, etc..
The third category
Medical devices used for implantation in the human body or to support the maintenance of life, the human body has a potential danger to its safety and effectiveness must be strictly controlled. Such as implantable cardiac pacemakers, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripter, patient invasive monitoring systems, artificial crystals, invasive endoscopes, ultrasound scalpels, color ultrasound imaging equipment, laser surgical equipment, high-frequency scalpels, microwave therapy, medical nuclear magnetic **** vibration imaging equipment, x-ray therapeutic equipment, more than 200mA x-ray machine, medical high-energy equipment, artificial heart-lung machine, internal fixation devices, artificial heart valves, artificial kidney, respiratory anesthesia equipment, single-use sterile syringes, single-use infusion sets, blood transfusion sets, CT equipment, etc.