What medical equipment can brush medical insurance

Medicare insurance has certain provisions for the reimbursement of drugs and medical equipment, such as Class A and Class B drugs can be reimbursed (Class A drugs are clinically necessary, widely used, effective and low-priced drugs in the same category, so it is a full reimbursement, and Class B drugs are generally reimbursed 90%, the individual to bear 10%), and some of the imported drugs, medical equipment is not reimbursed Fan want to learn more About which medical equipment can be reimbursed by the medical insurance knowledge, follow me to see it.

1. Diagnostic equipment category

(1) magnetic **** vibration imaging device (MRI) examination and treatment fees;

(2) ** and angiography X-ray machine (including digital subtraction equipment) (DSA) examination and treatment fees;

(3) single-photon emission computerized scanning device (SPECT) examination fees;

(4) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy fees (except for rescue treatment);

(4) the cost of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

(5) Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL).

2. Disposable and implantable artificial organs and medical materials

(1) IOL materials;

(2) ** valve materials;

(3) diagnosis of coronary artery disease and interventional catheters and stents used in luminal materials;

(4) ** pacemakers, artificial joints, artificial joints replacement of disposable medical material costs.

(5) Disposable and implantable medical materials related to bone internal fixation materials, congenital **disease interventions, peripheral vascular and neurovascular disease interventions.

(6) Outpatient decoction fee.

(7) Outpatient ostomy bags.