Because of the letter of more categories, from the production format to the content of the expression have a certain flexibility. Here mainly introduces the structure, content and writing method of standardized official letter. The official letter consists of three parts: the first part, the body and the last part. The format, content and writing requirements of each part are as follows:
(a) The first part. Mainly includes the title, the main sender of two items of content.
1, title.
2, the main sending organization.
(ii) the body. Its structure generally consists of the beginning, the main body, the end, the conclusion and other parts of the composition.
(iii) Conclusion. Generally use polite language to the other side of the hope. Or ask the other party to assist in solving a problem, or ask the other party to reply in time, or ask the other party to make comments or ask the competent authorities to approve, etc..
(iv) conclusion. Usually should be based on the letter of inquiry, letter, letter or letter of reply to the matter, choose to use different concluding remarks. Such as "hereby letter of inquiry ()", "please reply", "hereby letter", "hereby letter", "hereby reply" and so on. Some letters can also not use the end of the language, such as the letter, like ordinary letters, the use of "hereby", "respectfully".
(E) the end of the paragraph. Generally include the signature and the time of writing two contents.
Signed by the name of the organization, write the time of writing year, month, day; and stamped with the official seal.
Expanded information:
Letter writing, first of all, pay attention to the line of concise and clear, use of language to grasp the situation. Whether it is a parallel organ or not subordinate to the line of communication, pay attention to the tone of calm and courteous, do not rely on the power of pressure or strong people, and do not have to meet the complimentary, curt politeness. As for the reply, we should pay attention to the relevance of the line, the clarity of the reply.
Secondly, the letter also has the problem of timeliness, especially the reply should be rapid and timely. Like other official documents, timely processing of letters to ensure the normal conduct of official business and other activities.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Official Letters