Which brand of pet ultrasound is best

This is one to try! After all, the product is a few years away from being a problem.


-15-inch LED LCD screen -Slim, lightweight and exquisite

-High-definition images -3D/4D imaging (optional)

-Powerful application and counting functions -Hard disk and USB flash drive mass storage

-B, M, CF, PWD, PD, PDP, THI, TDI, CWD Multiple display modes

Imaging modes:

B-mode, M-mode, color-frequency (CF),

pulse-frequency (PWD), color-energy

polyspectral (PD), color-directional-energy

polyspectral (PDP), tissue-harmonic (THI), and

tissue Doppler imaging (TDI),

Omni-directional real-time M-mode imaging, continuous multispectral (CWD)

Two-dimensional imaging and M-mode Parameters:

1) Gray scale ≥ 256

2) Gain adjustment: distance gain compensation ≥ 8 segments

3) Two-dimensional scanning rate: full field of view, 18cm deep, scanning frame rate: ≥ 30 frames/second;

4) Scanning depth: ≥ 30cm

5) image playback reproduction: ≥ 50 frames

6) manual visual adjustable focus ≥ 4 segments

7) display mode: B/M, B/D, B/CD, B/D/CD can be displayed on the same screen, the M-type and PWD image display range of size can be adjusted

8) static and dynamic images with infinite intelligent zoom

9) raw data, the data can be used to analyze the data in a single image.

1) display mode: speed display, energy display

2) color scanning rate: 18cm depth, scanning range of 85 ° angle, color full field of view, scanning frame rate ≥ 10 frames / sec

3) color enhancement: color Doppler energy map, directional speed map

4) display position adjustment: line scanning the range of interest: -20 ° ~ +20 °

4) display position adjustment: line scanning: -20 ° ~ +20 °

5) display position adjustment: line scanning: -20 ° ~ +20 °

5) Display control: up/down, left/right flip, color contrast, black and white and color contrast, zero shift

6) Pseudo-color function

Spectral Doppler Imaging Technical Parameters:

1) Spectral Doppler Mode: Pulsed Doppler PWD, Optional Continuous Doppler CWD

2) Max. Measurement of flow velocity: Pulse Doppler unidirectional maximum measurement of flow velocity ≥ 6 m / s, continuous Doppler unidirectional maximum measurement of flow velocity ≥ 15 m / s

3) PWD minimum measurement of flow velocity: ≤ 5 mm / s (non-noise signals)

4) spectrum has an automatic envelope measurement and calculation function

5) after freezing the PWD and CWD images are available for movie replay

6) Sampling volume width and position adjustment: 0.5~20mm graded adjustment

7) Zero shift: ≥6 levels

8) Inversion display control: with

9) with Doppler sampling and then angle correction function

10) display control: inversion display (up and down, left and right), scanning angle of three adjustable, localized amplification function (infinitely intelligent amplification)

Probe Specifications:

1) Probe Interface: 1pc

2) Wide band frequency probe technology, 2D and Doppler can be used with different imaging frequencies

3) B/D concurrently: B/PWD, B/CWD, B/CD/PWD tri-synchronous display

4) Line Array Probe: Electronic Wide frequency inverter probe, frequency range 5~12MHz

5) Convex array probe: electronic wide frequency inverter probe, frequency range 2~5MHz

Measurement and analysis:

1) General measurements: distance, circumference, area, slope, heart rate, pressure, residual urine, RI, PI, flow rate, etc.

2) Obstetrics and gynecology-specific measurement software: fetal Week of gestation, due date, estimated fetal weight, average of multiple measurements, S/D ratio, etc.

3) Vascular measurements, analysis, calculation and report

4) Spectral Doppler analysis, calculation and report

5) Cardiac function, vascular measurements, calculation, analysis and software: Ejection Fraction (EF), LV volume, Cardiac Output (CO), Pressure Drop Half Time (PHT), Transvalvular pressure difference, Qp/Qs, velocity integral, body surface area, ICA/CCA internal diameter ratio, the percentage of stenosis measurement calculation function, etc.

6) measurement parameters can be customized according to the needs of editing, adding, deleting

Image archiving and management:

1) real-time built-in hard disk memory of dynamic and static images, the host built-in hard disk 320G

2) with the image of the online clipboard function: real-time scanning, just one key operation, you can store dynamic and static ultrasound images in the clipboard on the side of the screen, can be called out at any time to compare and observe.

3) offline playback of motion, static images can be adjusted brightness, contrast, Doppler baseline, sampling angle, and can be converted to AVI, TIF, BMP, and other common formats to save

4) with a USB interface, S-VIDEO, VGA, the network transmission of image interfaces, etc.

5) advanced, convenient and fast direct Network real-time image exchange, storage, playback