What is the major of KTM in Hong Kong Polytechnic?

KTM of Hong Kong Polytechnic is a major in knowledge and technology management, and its English name is knowledge & technology manager.

This major is only offered in Hong Kong and focuses on cultivating knowledge management professionals. Subsequent employment directions include chief knowledge executive, knowledge management and learning director, innovation manager, knowledge management manager and consultant, etc. In addition, since this major is only offered in Hong Kong Polytechnic, the recognition of this major is mainly from the Hong Kong Polytechnic School.

Content extension: The full name of Hong Kong Polytechnic is Hong Kong Polytechnic. It is one of the oldest universities in Hong Kong. It can be traced back to the Hong Kong Government Advanced Industrial College founded in 1937. It is the first government-funded university in Hong Kong. , an institution that provides engineering education; it was renamed the Hong Kong Industrial College in 1947; the Hong Kong Polytechnic was established in 1972; in 1994, the Hong Kong law "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Ordinance" officially came into effect, and the school was renamed the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. On March 5, 2020, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Foshan) project was included in the Guangdong Province’s key construction preparatory project plan.