Currently, there are countless new cars that major automakers can't sell, and many of them are piling up as inventory. Such inventory cars, manufacturers simply will not sell at low prices. With the launch of the new year's new cars, the previous year's old cars are also very difficult to sell. Because this time if you sell at a low price, then it will certainly affect the sales of the newly launched new car, so rather sell scrap metal is not sold at a reduced price to consumers. So these old cars are not sold where to go?
According to a British media report, the universe of new cars gathered up to more than 1,000, whose role is to pile up the major automakers can not sell the "old car". For a long time, these new cars piled up in one place, can only be collected by the scrap iron collector to scrap iron price recycling.
These unsold new cars are discarded in the "new car graveyard", although there is a security guard, but no one will go to the maintenance, with the passage of time, these cars will be dismantled parts, respectively, to sell to the suppliers in need. In fact, a number of smuggled cars are sourced from here.
The gathering place is located in Liverpool, England, Hillside Harbor Annex, the place where more than 500,000 "old cars" are parked in an orderly manner. There is no doubt that the old cars parked here are the equivalent of end-of-life vehicles. These cars will be dismantled one by one and recycled as scrap metal.
Since so many cars are not sold every year, why don't car companies reduce production? Industry experts say that if manufacturers stop or reduce the scale of production of new cars, it will lead to manufacturers face a temporary closure of the state, followed by "layoffs" after many staff layoffs. Of course, the car can not be sold, resulting in losses, manufacturers are still trying to find ways to recoup their losses, and ultimately, certainly by the consumer to bear.