Fashion fitness must know the six most popular fitness

Fashion fitness must know the six most popular fitness methods

Fashion fitness must know the six most popular fitness exercises. We must protect ourselves while exercising. While exercising, we must also You can improve your physical fitness. Active exercise is also an attitude towards life. Exercise can prevent the three highs. Come with me to take a look at the six most popular fitness and knowledge that you must know about fashionable fitness.

Fashion fitness must know the six most popular fitness exercises 1

Popular aerobics

The range of activities of mass aerobics involves every joint of the body. In one section: In the course of about 50 minutes, the bodybuilders perform rhythmic and step-by-step exercises under the guidance of music, lights, instructor's commands, and the encouragement and guidance of participating partners. Mass aerobics can burn a large amount of fat and improve participants' cardiopulmonary function. It is the first choice for losing weight and maintaining physical fitness and body shape.

Not suitable for people: patients with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, etc. are not easy to choose.

Aerobic dance

On the one hand, aerobic dance can consume more calories, and on the other hand, it can turn many dance moves into aerobics. Unlike aerobics moves, which are more gymnastic, it There are many styles, which are divided into aerobic dance according to the different characteristics of movements and music: AEROBIC-

DANCE, HIP-HOP, FUNK, SAL-SA and other aerobic dances.

Suitable for people: those who have a foundation in dance and want to improve their temperament and maintain an elegant figure.

Latin aerobics

The characteristic of Latin aerobics is that there are many hip movements, and the effect of reducing fat on the waist and abdomen is particularly outstanding. It is difficult for people with poor coordination and lack of dance foundation to achieve fitness results. Street dance: The movements are relaxed, free and changeable. It can improve the exerciser's coordination and achieve fitness goals.

Suitable for: teenagers and those with good body coordination.

Exercise Ball

Exercise balls were first used in Switzerland as rehabilitation medical equipment. Later, fitness balls were spread to Australia, Europe, the United States and other countries to treat low back diseases, neurological disorders, knee and shoulder rehabilitation, correct posture, and improve patients' balance ability, etc. This exercise is also widely popularized due to its role in strengthening certain muscles (low back, pelvis). The fitness ball is no longer just a form of physical therapy, it has also become an emerging fitness sport.

Suitable for the crowd: It is suitable for all people who need rehabilitation treatment. It has good fitness effects, especially for spine and pelvis exercises; the fitness ball has good injury recovery and rehabilitation functions (significant effects on low back diseases) ). It is safer during exercise and less likely to cause injuries. It can also improve the flexibility, strength, balance, posture, and cardiopulmonary function of people (including patients and injured people).

Not suitable for people: The fitness ball is not suitable for people who are overweight and want to lose weight.

Fighting aerobics

This project is an aerobics that combines the characteristics of music, dance, boxing, fighting, etc. The difference between combat aerobics and boxing is that the goal of the former is fitness, while the goal of the latter is competition, so the latter is more susceptible to injury and is not suitable for the general public. However, it can improve self-confidence, muscle coordination and necessary technique and flexibility.

Suitable for the crowd: Since it is not a competitive sport, most people (men, women, old and young) can participate. In addition, for more relevant information, you can click to read IT Men’s Aerobics, Fashionable Fitness and the Six Most Popular Fitness 2

It’s okay to jump with the skipping rope

It can burn a lot of fat . For a woman weighing 67.5 kg, skipping rope can burn 11.4 calories of fat per minute and improve cardiorespiratory vitality, physical agility and coordination.

Medical Exercise Balls

These exercise balls in different weights are brightly colored and easy to use.

The most important thing is that it allows you to avoid using your whole body during strength training and focus your training on certain muscles. Such purposeful exercise can better train strength, flexibility, and balance abilities that are lost with age.

Flex Ball

This large, soft ball made of vinyl can be used to build strength and flexibility. Put a soft body ball at home, and bodybuilders can do various stretching exercises while lying on the ball; lying on the ball or sitting on the ball can exercise the strength and flexibility of different parts of the body. If your home is small and there is no room for this big ball, you can use it to replace a chair. People can exercise strength and improve balance by sitting on the big ball.

Smart Dumbbell

Dumbbell is a very cost-effective equipment. It is not only easy to use, but also can be used for multiple purposes. The chrome steel "smart dumbbells" currently on sale can select 6 different weight levels by turning the number plate on the top of the dumbbell for different people to exercise.