In KFC, McDonald's as a part-time job, what are the working hours like

Generally divided into morning shift, lunch shift, evening shift three time periods, the specific time depends on the specific staffing situation. KFC recruiting students to work part-time requires you to have a health card, student ID card, ID card.

KFC workstation breakdown, there is probably a hall, front desk, general distribution, kitchen, pickling and duty manager.

Hall, responsible for cleaning up plates, and shouting welcome, mopping the floor, sweeping the floor. The front desk girl will usually be part of the job.

The front desk is the place for customers to order food, the front desk is subdivided into point meal, food and front IC. front IC is generally the management team, responsible for helping in the front of the food, and according to the flow of customers and the back of the workstation communication to do, such as how many burgers to do, as well as the next amount. Generally only the busier business stores have. Front IC students part-time can also be done, provided that you want to do the student group leader.

The general distribution is KFC to do burgers, chicken rolls, playing rice, playing part of the hot drinks place, the kitchen fried meat are also placed in the general distribution to save. The subdivided words have burger station, meat roll station, and PC. burger station is specialized in making burgers, meat roll station is responsible for making meat rolls, PC is based on the customer flow and computer prediction, give the kitchen password order, let the kitchen under the amount of people. The total allocation is usually doubled up by one person if it's a low peak store.

Kitchen, is responsible for baking, coated powder under the amount of fried things. There are two types of kitchens: one for the oven and one for the batter. In a low peak store, it is also a one-person job. This workstation is usually a man, but occasionally there is a girl who is very strong.

Marinating, marinating is based on the turnover estimate, there is a person in charge of marinating the meat to be used today for marinating and preservation. It's usually hanky-panky too, after all, frozen meat is pretty heavy.

The manager on duty, that is, the manager on duty, is responsible for the whole store, all-purpose type, where will not point where the kind.

All of the above is a part-time student can do the workstation, generally just go in is a waiter, and so you do skilled, through the assessment can be upgraded to star trainer, a little higher wages, or potential to find the regional manager to interview upgraded into the student team leader, is a member of the management team, the wages will be a little higher than the trainer.

Author: eei Wee


Source: Knowledge