2, the determination of the processing temperature, through the analysis of the torque rheology curve of the different processing temperatures, you can choose the polymer reasonable processing temperature.
3, the selection of processing speed, change the rotor speed, that is, change the shear force, resulting in the impact on polymer properties, through the study of the speed of the polymer rheology through the study of the speed of the polymer rheological curve of the impact of the speed of the polymer, you can select a more appropriate processing speed. The effect of dosing sequence on the energy consumption of the mixing process can be investigated by using the torque rheometer. The use of torque rheometer can study the different charging order on the refining process of energy consumption, in order to reduce energy consumption, optimize the processing technology to provide a basis.
5 Quality control of rubber mixing. In the rubber processing process, the quality control of rubber mixing is an important link. Due to the mixing process of the rubber material flow behavior is extremely complex, affecting the quality of the mixing of many factors in order to ensure that different batches of material mixing procedures are the same, usually than the mechanical energy or the total energy consumption of the mixing process to control the effect of mixing. Therefore, it is very easy to obtain the required values using a torque rheometer.
It can be used to study the dispersion properties, flow behavior and structural changes (cross-linking, thermal stability, etc.) of the material during processing, and also as an effective means of production quality control. Because the torque rheometer and the actual production equipment (refiner, extruder, etc.) similar structure, and the amount of material is small, so in the laboratory to simulate the mixing, extrusion, etc.