Scope of Exhibits at Dalian International Adult Fair

Adult Products

Adult Devices (Sexual Aids and Packaging Materials)/Erotic Lingerie, Clothing, Accessories, Candies, SM Products/Lubricants/Sanitizers/(Genital External Sanitizing Lubricants, Sprays)/Sexual Function Regulators/Men's External Delay Liquid, Sprays/Breast Products/Sexual Regulating Nourishing Foods and Medicines/Reproductive Health Products

Reproductive Health Products

Condoms, contraceptive pills, birth control devices, reproductive beauty therapy products, reproductive health beauty salons, new technologies and products for pregnancy termination and pregnancy diagnosis. Products for the prevention of reproductive tract infections, healthcare products for birth defects screening, diagnosis, prevention, fetal education, prenatal care for pregnant women, new technology products for infertility treatment/ovarian care, products for delaying menopause

Sexual education products and audio-visual products

Various types of products/books and audio-visual products for reproductive health/sexual health education

Medical device rings

Medical devices and equipments for examination/diagnosis/treatment/home therapies, physiotherapies, healthcare equipments, publicity for family planning and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Other related products

Medical and healthcare products/health food/cosmetics