What is the formula for calculating power consumption of electrical appliances?

Calculated according to the formula: time = 1000/power, electricity consumption = 1/time.

For example: the power of an electrical appliance is 2000W, according to the formula: time = 1000 / power, find the time for 1000/2000 = 0.5 hours, that is, 0.5 hours with one degree of electricity. Then according to the formula hourly power consumption = 1 / time, find out the hourly power consumption of 1/0.5 = 2 degrees.

Power consumption is related to the power of the purchased appliances, usually said 1 degree of electricity is a power of 1000 watts of electrical appliances 1 hour of power consumption, so the calculation of power consumption can be calculated in accordance with the formula is relatively easy.


The rated power of an appliance is the power of the appliance when it is working normally, the value of the rated voltage of the appliance multiplied by the rated current. If the actual power of an appliance is greater than the rated power, the appliance may be damaged; if the actual power is less than the rated power, the appliance will not operate properly.

Under normal operating conditions, the output power of power equipment or the input power of energy-consuming equipment is the power that a factory-produced machine can achieve during normal operation, so the rated power of a machine is certain.

In the case of machinery (electrical, hydraulic, or otherwise), the power rating is usually the power output, not the flow of energy input through the equipment. If most of the energy is converted to mechanical energy, the power rating can be calculated by knowing the conversion efficiency η.

For equipment that can convert electrical energy into various forms, such as heat, the power rating is usually the maximum power. Usually limit the maximum power factor for the loss of heat, the maximum heat dissipation is calculated in the same way as the calculation of energy-consuming equipment.

Power rating is usually expressed in watts of actual power or visual volt-ampere characteristics, but for equipment used in ultra-high-power systems, each unit will be given a power rating.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Degrees

Baidu Encyclopedia - Power Rating