Which concepts will go up in the fund market if there is a massive flood?

The flood is a very bad thing, but for stock investors, or for fund managers, they will adjust their investment structure according to this thing, for the occurrence of floods after the fund will rise, so let's look at which concepts will rise.

Pharmaceutical sector funds are up. Send floods inevitably need some material to rescue, but after the flood inevitably need to use some medicine to treat, some of the injured and prevent the corresponding disease. Floods are terrible, but even more terrible is the flood after a large number of viruses, may have triggered infectious diseases, naturally, we need a lot of medicine to prevent. Similarly, after the floods will have to do sterilization work, will promote to the pharmaceutical field of a demand, thus stimulating the pharmaceutical fund plate rise.

Additionally, in addition to the use of this medicine, but also need to use some medical equipment, after all, after the flood, some hospitals have equipment has not been able to use, then naturally need to add some medical equipment, there is a demand for the performance of the pharmaceutical plate is good to look at, naturally, will also promote the rise of pharmaceutical stocks.

Construction materials funds will also rise. After the floods and earthquakes, then a lot of infrastructure, a lot of residential buildings, a lot of buildings, may be triggered by the collapse or damage, collapse after the inevitable need to rebuild, after all, we still need to rebuild their homes after the floods. Reconstruction will need to use construction materials, construction materials demand suddenly surged, then will also stimulate the construction materials class fund plate will rise.

Consumer sector funds will also rise.