Is using microwave oven harmful to human body?

not have


1. Microwave is an electromagnetic wave, which is essentially the same as radio waves, infrared rays and visible light used in radios and telegrams. The only difference between them is the frequency. The frequency of microwave is higher than electric wave, and lower than infrared ray and visible light. Electromagnetic waves in this frequency band are not carcinogenic.

2. The radiation in the microwave oven is very strong, which can make the objects with water and grease generate heat to cook food. However, the manufacturers of microwave ovens have taken safety measures. The radiation outside the microwave oven is similar to that of a 40W fluorescent lamp, which has little impact on human body.

3. Scientific research has found the minimum microwave power harmful to human body, and based on this, the standard of microwave oven leakage power has been established. For example, the United States stipulates that the power per square centimeter should not exceed 5 milliwatts at a distance of about 5 centimeters from the microwave oven; China's standard is stricter, which is 1 MW.

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