Generally speaking, the price of a set of equipment in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan, depending on the material of sewage treatment equipment, sewage water drainage and water quality decision. So buy to understand these aspects before asking how much.
1, material: often choose to use corrosion-resistant, oxidation-resistant material made of long service life, for medical institutions to save operating costs. Medical sewage treatment equipment, the longer the service life, the stronger the corrosion resistance of the plate, indicating that the price is relatively more expensive.
2, sewage drainage: equipment in accordance with different treatment capacity is divided into different tonnage, the larger the treatment capacity, the price will naturally be higher.
3, the quality of water, the equipment uses different processes to determine the quality of water effluent, the higher the quality of water effluent requirements, the higher the price of the equipment will be.
In addition to the above points, the manufacturer will provide you with equipment model size to quote, of course, can not only rely on the price to determine the equipment is good or bad, we have to make a comprehensive consideration of the choice.