Executive Summary: China's tax policy has played an important role in supporting scientific and technological innovation, and has vigorously promoted the construction of an innovative country, but there are also some shortcomings, combined with the opportunity to "deepen the overall program of reform of the fiscal and taxation system", to grasp the overall goal of fiscal and taxation reform and scientific and technological development strategy, by promoting "inclusive "incentive policy, applying structural tax reduction, summarizing the pilot experience of demonstration zones, improving the operability of tax policy, encouraging long-term investment in science and technology, strengthening the commercialization of innovation results, establishing a tax incentive mechanism for human capital, and improving the relevant work and coordination mechanism, etc., to improve the incentive mechanism for scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship, with a view to better developing an enterprise-led and market-oriented scientific and technological innovation system that combines industry, academia and research, science and technology innovation system combining industry, academia and research.
Keywords: scientific and technological innovation, tax policy, incentive mechanism
Scientific and technological innovation is the main driving force, the key factor and the "first productive force" to promote the economic development of all countries in the world, while the national scientific and technological innovation policy has a crucial role in improving the productivity of the society and the comprehensive power of the country, constructing the national innovation system, and accelerating the process of enterprise innovation. The national science and technology innovation policy plays a crucial role in guiding the development of the country and accelerating the innovation process of enterprises. The report of the 18th CPC National Congress clearly puts forward to promote the synchronous development of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, which requires us to focus on innovation-driven, fully release the potential of science and technology innovation to drive economic growth, and promote the goal of building a moderately affluent society in all aspects by 2020, and to create an economic "upgraded version" at the new stage of entering the economic "new normal". This will contribute to the realization of the goal of building a comprehensive moderately prosperous society by 2020 and the strategic task of creating an "upgraded version" of the economy at the new stage of entering the "new normal". In recent years, China's tax policy has played an important role in supporting scientific and technological innovation, achieved results, and strongly promoted the construction of an innovative country, but there are also some shortcomings, which need to be clarified on the basis of the relationship between the government and the market, deepen the reform of the science and technology investment system, improve the incentive mechanism for scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship, and break through the bottlenecks in the system and mechanism of independent innovation, further optimize the design of the tax system, and implement and apply tax incentive policies to support scientific and technological innovation, so as to better achieve the strategic task of creating an "upgraded version" of the economy. Incentive policies to support scientific and technological innovation, and better develop the enterprise-oriented, market-oriented, industry-university-research combination of scientific and technological innovation system.
I. Evaluation of the current tax policy to support scientific and technological innovation activities
Technological innovation has a certain nature of public **** goods, and it is inefficient to be completely configured by the market, which determines that it is necessary for the government to participate in its configuration. In the market economy, enterprises should be the main body of innovation, the government intervention in technological innovation activities can be mainly through the use of fiscal policy to correct market failure, to promote the internalization of the external effects of technological innovation, incentives for enterprises to technological innovation. Among the government's fiscal means, the incentive effect of tax preferential expenditure on enterprise technological innovation is higher than that of direct financial expenditure, while its implementation cost is lower than that of direct financial expenditure. Because of the high yield and high risk of technological innovation activities, it determines the uncertainty and discontinuity of the enterprise's technological innovation income, which often inhibits the enterprise's innovation desire. And the government uses the tax expenditure incentive policy to share the risk cost of the main body of innovation, will increase the enterprise innovation benefit expectation, for the enterprise independent innovation to enhance the power.
(1) Existing tax policies have strongly supported innovation and entrepreneurship activities in the whole society
As of 2013, the central and local governments at all levels had issued policy documents on innovation and entrepreneurship in order to implement the "Outline of the National Medium- and Long-Term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology (2006 to 2020)," the National Twelfth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Science and Technology, and other development strategies, such as the National Science and Technology Development Plan. The policy documents issued by the central and local governments to implement the "Outline of the National Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan (2006-2020)" and the National "Twelfth Five-Year Plan for Science and Technology Development" include more than 100 tax incentives and preferential measures. The tax expenditures on turnover tax cover software, animation, integrated circuits, major technological equipment, IT, pharmaceutical products, scientific research equipment, and scientific and technological business incubators. As for income tax, it covers 8 major tax incentives for high-tech enterprises, technologically advanced service enterprises, software and integrated circuit industry, animation industry, technology transfer, entrepreneurial investment, enterprises' access to financial funds, and various types of scientific and technological bonuses. China has initially formed a system of scientific and technological tax policies with income tax as the main body and certain characteristics of the innovation system.
1. Supporting scientific and technological innovation with structural tax cuts
First of all, measures have been introduced to incentivize enterprises' innovative activities in terms of income tax incentives.
First, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) further clarified the relevant preferential provisions on enjoying the reduction and exemption of enterprise income tax on technology transfer. 2010, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) jointly issued the Circular on Issues Concerning Relevant Enterprise Income Tax Policies on Technology Transfer by Resident Enterprises (Cai Shui [2010] No. 111), which made corresponding provisions on the scope of technology transfer by enterprises, and the fulfillment of the procedures for technology transfer within the country and across the borders. In order to better implement the relevant income tax reduction and exemption policies.
The second is to improve the preferential policies on income tax for technologically advanced service enterprises. 2010, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the Circular on Issues Concerning the Relevant Enterprise Income Tax Policies for Technologically Advanced Service Enterprises, stipulating that, from July 1, 2010 until December 31, 2013, the 21 China Service Outsourcing Demonstration Cities (COSODCs) in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other cities in China shall be subject to the following preferential policies The Circular provides that from July 1, 2010 to 31, 2013, preferential policies on enterprise income tax will be implemented in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other 21 Chinese model cities for service outsourcing, including a reduced enterprise income tax rate of 15 percent.
Thirdly, the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) has improved the preferential policies on transitional period of enterprise income tax. 2010, the State Administration of Taxation (SAT) issued the Circular on Issues Concerning Further Clarification of the Implementation Caliber of Preferential Policies on Transitional Period of Enterprise Income Tax (Guoshuikan [2010] No. 157), which clarifies the relevant provisions on the calculation of the income tax rate of the enterprises that belong to the high and new-technology enterprises, and are also in the transitional period of the preferential period of regular tax reductions and exemptions.
Fourth, to further improve the policy of accelerated depreciation of fixed assets for enterprises in strategic emerging industries encouraged by the state. on October 20, 2014, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued the Circular on the Improvement of the Policy of Accelerated Depreciation of Fixed Assets for Enterprise Income Tax Purposes to clarify the policy related to accelerated depreciation of fixed assets for enterprise income tax purposes. For fixed assets purchased after January 1, 2014 by enterprises in six industries, including the biological pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, special equipment manufacturing industry, railroad, ship, aerospace and other transportation equipment manufacturing industry, computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry, instrument and meter manufacturing industry, and information transmission, software and information technology service industry, they are allowed to depreciate fixed assets at a rate of not less than 60% of the minimum depreciation life specified in the Enterprise Income Tax Law Shorten the depreciation life, or choose to adopt the double declining balance method or the sum-of-the-years method for accelerated depreciation. Instruments and equipment purchased by enterprises after January 1, 2014 and used exclusively for R&D activities, with a unit value of not more than RMB 1 million, are allowed to be deducted in a lump sum to the current period's costs and expenses in calculating taxable income. These highlight the state's policy orientation of encouraging enterprises to innovate in science and technology.
Secondly, a number of expiring tax supporting policies as well as other tax incentives have been supplemented and improved. For example, the State Council's Circular on Issuing Several Policies to Further Encourage the Development of the Software Industry and the Integrated Circuit Industry (Guo Fa [2011] No. 4), the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation's Circular on the Extension of the Enforcement Period of Tax Policies for National University Science and Technology Parks and Science and Technology Enterprise Incubators (Cai Shui [2011] No. 59), and the State Administration of Taxation, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs and State Administration of Taxation's Circular on Notice on Continuing the Implementation of Tax Policies on Equipment Purchased by R&D Organizations (Cai Shui [2011] No. 88), Decision of the Ministry of Finance, General Administration of Customs and State Administration of Taxation on Amending the Interim Provisions on the Exemption of Import Taxes on Supplies for Scientific and Technological Development and the Provisions on the Exemption of Import Taxes on Supplies for Scientific Research and Teaching (Decree of the Ministry of Finance, General Administration of Customs, and State Administration of Taxation, No. 63), and so on.
Again, the import and export tax policy adjustments to promote industrial technological innovation. 2010, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued the "Notice on the Adjustment of the Relevant Catalog of Tax Policy on the Import of Import of Major Technical Equipment" (Caixa Tariff No. 2012]14), the import of major technological equipment required in some areas (some of the key components. raw materials) tax policy adjustments to encourage the import of major technological equipment (some of the key components. raw materials), (some key components, raw materials) to adjust the tax policy to encourage enterprises to carry out technological innovation.
2. Local governments have further improved the operability of tax policies.
Documents have been issued to enhance the operability of tax incentives in the region, and nearly two-thirds of the provinces (municipalities and districts) have issued specific implementation measures to realize the policy of additional deduction for R&D expenses. 2006 has witnessed the issuance of the Circular on Preferential Policies on Corporate Income Tax for Enterprise Technological Innovation by the Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation (SAT), Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), and other relevant departments. No. 88), Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on the Issuance of Administrative Measures for Pre-tax Deduction of Research and Development Expenses of Enterprises (for Trial Implementation) (Guoshifa [2008] No. 116), Circular of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Issuance of Administrative Measures for the Recognition of High and New Technology Enterprises (Guoshifa Huo [2008] No. 172), and Circular of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Issuance of Guidelines for the Recognition and Administration of High and New Technology Enterprises. (2008]No.362) and other documents, such as the scope of application, conditions and procedures of the policies on additional deduction of R&D expenses, tax incentives for high-tech enterprises, accelerated depreciation of R&D instruments and equipment, and pre-tax deduction of employee education expenses, etc., which have clearly stipulated the vitality of innovation and entrepreneurship of the enterprises.
By the end of 2011, 24 provinces (municipalities and regions) had issued relevant operational documents on the policy of pre-tax deduction of R&D expenses. Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Henan and other places have issued specific implementation measures for the identification and management of high-tech enterprises in their regions. Some places have made breakthroughs by carrying out pilot tax policy improvement in demonstration areas on an early and pilot basis. For example, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park has introduced pilot policies - Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation's Notice on the Pilot Policy of Additional Deduction of Research and Development Expenses in Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park (Cai Shui [2011] No. 81), Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation's Notice on the Pilot Policy of Pre-tax Deduction of Educational Expenses for Workers in Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park (Zhongguancun) Notice on the Pilot Policy of Pre-tax Deduction of Education Expenses (Cai Shui [2011] No. 82). The policy breakthroughs in this area are mainly reflected in:
One is to include the "five insurance premiums" (basic pension insurance premiums, basic medical insurance premiums, unemployment insurance premiums, work-related injury insurance premiums, maternity insurance premiums, and housing provident fund) paid by science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship enterprises in the Demonstration Zone for the on-service R&D personnel, as well as the clinical trial fees for new drug development in the scope of additional deduction for R&D expenses.
The second is to increase the pre-tax deduction ratio of employee education expenses for science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship enterprises in the demonstration zone from 2.5% to 8%, and the excess is allowed to be carried forward in the subsequent tax year. At present, the above policies have been extended to Shanghai Zhangjiang, Wuhan East Lake and Anhui Hewu Mussels National Innovation Demonstration Zones (Comprehensive Pilot Zones).
Beijing Municipality has also formulated and issued the Notice of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance, Beijing Municipal State Taxation Bureau, Beijing Municipal Local Taxation Bureau on the Issuance of Measures for Identification of Technological Secrets in Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone (for Trial Implementation) (Beijing Science and Technology Development [2011] No. 471) and other supporting documents. The main breakthroughs include:
One is to allow six types of innovations, such as national new drugs, national-level protected varieties of traditional Chinese medicines, national-level crop varieties that have been validated, new-generation information technology, national defense patents and technological secrets, etc., to be declared as core independent intellectual property rights, thus expanding the scope of core independent intellectual property rights;
The second one is to lower the threshold of the identification of new and high-tech enterprises, so that enterprises with a registration of half a year or more and less than one year can apply for the identification of high-tech enterprises. The second is to reduce the threshold of high-tech enterprises, the enterprises registered for half a year or less can apply for the recognition of high-tech enterprises, and issue blue certificates (not entitled to tax incentives);
The third is to adjust and improve the evaluation of technical experts in the recognition of the organization, technical experts no longer on the level of management of scientific and technological research and development, the total assets of the enterprise and the rate of growth of sales indexes to organize the evaluation. These local tax policy to improve the operability of the specific implementation methods, so that enterprises can better utilize the policy to increase investment in research and development, and promote scientific and technological progress.
3. Progress has been made in the implementation of tax policies.
According to statistics, in 2011, the policy of adding and deducting R&D expenses of enterprises around the world benefited more than 20,000 enterprises, and the amount of tax reduction and exemption exceeded 25.2 billion yuan. The total number of high-tech enterprises recognized and the amount of income tax exemption is record high, the policy plays an important role in promoting the transformation and upgrading of the regional economy.Between 2008 and 2011, the total tax exemptions and reductions of more than 60,000 high-tech enterprises nationwide***225.9 billion yuan, the tax paid by these enterprises during the same period is 2.1 trillion yuan, and their patents and new products accounted for more than one-third of the share of the policy benefits are very obvious. In 2010, the national high-tech enterprises enjoying the preferential enterprise income tax of 15% was RMB 68.771 billion, and the number of high-tech enterprises enjoying the preferential enterprise income tax of 15% in 26 provinces (municipalities and districts) increased by 43.8% compared with that of the previous year; the number of high-tech enterprises enjoying the preferential enterprise income tax in 6 provinces (municipalities and districts) exceeded 1,000, which accounted for more than half of the total number of high-tech enterprises in the country; the number of high-tech enterprises enjoying the preferential enterprise income tax in 15 provinces (municipalities and districts) was more than 1,000, which accounted for more than half of the total number of high-tech enterprises in the country. municipalities and districts) have reduced or waived enterprise income tax by more than 1 billion yuan. [1] It can be seen that the high-tech enterprise identification and tax incentives to accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development plays an important role in the development of new industries and economic transformation and upgrading of an important force.
New progress has been made in the implementation of the policy of pre-tax deduction of education expenses for enterprise employees. 2010, in 10 provinces (cities and regions), including Jiangsu, Liaoning, Guangdong, Xinjiang, Dalian, Hainan, Ningxia, Anhui, Beijing and Shanxi, 94,000 enterprises enjoyed the policy of pre-tax deduction of education expenses for enterprise employees. Among them, three economically developed provinces, namely Jiangsu, Liaoning and Guangdong, had more enterprises enjoying the policy, accounting for 91.49% of the 10 provinces (municipalities and regions) mentioned above. In the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, 3,618 enterprises enjoyed the policy, representing a year-on-year increase of 159.7%, and the amount of income tax payable for pre-tax deduction of the education expenses of the enterprises' employees in the whole region amounted to RMB173 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 159.7%. 45.43%; in Dalian City, 3,212 enterprises enjoyed the policy, and the taxable income from pre-tax deduction of enterprise employees' education expenses amounted to RMB 464 million; in Liaoning Province (excluding Dalian), the number of enterprises enjoying the policy increased by 8.4% year-on-year, and the taxable income from pre-tax deduction of enterprise employees' education expenses in the province amounted to RMB 364 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 8.1%.
(2) Inadequacies of the current tax policy to support scientific and technological innovation
1. The degree of government tax and fee standardization is insufficient, and the mechanism and policy to prompt enterprises to become the main body of innovation need to be improved. China's enterprises outside the tax charges, fines and other burdens are still too much, too indiscriminate, arbitrariness and other problems, although after many years of rectification and cleaning up some improvement, but not yet very satisfactory. While the government formulates and implements tax incentive policies, it needs to standardize the fees and charges for enterprises, so as to truly alleviate the pressure of innovation and entrepreneurship of enterprises. In addition, government departments at all levels in the formulation of policy and practice, the enterprise is the main body of the investment is often not in place, the need to further delineate the boundaries of the government and the market, with less to stay more, universal incentives to activate the enthusiasm of enterprises to invest in science and technology.
2. Insufficient incentives for human capital, the core element of innovation. Science and technology innovation, people are the first element. However, for a long time, the relevant system has not yet fully embodied sufficient compensation and effective incentives for human capital, the existing science and technology tax policy on human capital incentives are defective and insufficient, the lack of perfect tax incentives for scientific and technological talents. The tax incentive mechanism for human capital has certain optimization space in both corporate income tax and personal income tax.
3. The tax incentives for regions and based on enterprise qualification are too much and the tax support focusing on enterprise innovation activities is insufficient. In the tax incentives accumulated over the years through the successive launch of tax incentives to support the pattern, tax incentives for different regions (such as the regional strategy in the high-end to obtain approval of the recognition), different enterprise qualification (such as whether to obtain the "high-tech enterprise" recognition) is too much, but the focus on enterprise innovation activities, especially small and medium-sized enterprises to support the effective exercise of tax instruments. However, the supportive policies focusing on the innovation activities of enterprises, especially the innovation activities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and then effectively exercising the means of taxation are insufficient.
II. Suggestions for further implementation and application of tax incentives to support scientific and technological innovation
(I) Grasp the opportunity of the introduction of the Overall Program for Deepening the Reform of the Fiscal and Tax System, accelerate the reform of the tax system, and form a tax system environment conducive to scientific and technological innovation
Central Politburo of the *** Central Committee deliberated and passed the Overall Program for Deepening the Reform of the Fiscal and Tax System on June 30, 2014, making it clear that a new round of reform of the fiscal and tax system will be carried out. The Overall Program, which specifies a new round of reform of the fiscal and taxation system, basically completes the key work and tasks in 2016, and basically establishes a modern financial system in 2020. The overall program identifies three key reform areas: budget, taxation and fiscal system. The institutional environment has a crucial impact on the process of technological innovation. As the supplier of the institutional environment, the laws, regulations and policies formulated by the government all have an important impact on technological innovation. In order to give full play to the effect of tax policies supporting technological innovation, it is necessary to combine the overall goal of fiscal and tax reform and the strategy of scientific and technological development, to deepen the reform of the tax system, to effectively clean up, reorganize, consolidate, and reduce the burden of extra-taxation, and to optimize the tax framework and the environment of supporting enterprise-based technological innovation from the institutional system.
(2) Summarize the experience, make further efforts, and further implement and apply the tax incentive policies according to the characteristics of innovation activities
1. Promote the implementation of "universal" incentive policies in the innovation policy system. The "universal" incentive policy helps to give full play to the market's guiding role in the direction of technological research and development, the choice of routes, the price of factors, and the allocation of various types of innovation factors, and guides enterprises to become the main body of technological innovation decision-making, investment, organization and transformation of results. It should continue to promote the tax-based tax incentive policy to mobilize enterprises to engage in scientific and technological innovation, fully reflect the government's policy intention to support scientific and technological innovation, and fully implement inclusive measures such as additional deduction for enterprise R&D expenses, with a focus on the implementation of its operational plan and implementation details.
2. Further apply structural tax cuts to support scientific and technological innovation. Accelerate the pace of "camp to increase", reduce double taxation through the introduction of VAT credit mechanism in telecommunication and other industries, support the development of related industries in the specialized segmentation and "endogenous" upgrading efforts, and actively develop the network economic chain manifested in the Internet era with the distribution of commodities, logistics and distribution. At the same time, we will further promote the structural tax reduction policy with the main line of cultivating new industries.
3. Summarize the pilot experience of the demonstration zones, and gradually roll out the new policy of additional deduction for research and development expenses nationwide. The scope of R&D expenses that can be deducted is relatively narrow, which to a certain extent inhibits the enthusiasm of enterprises in engaging in R&D and is not conducive to incentivizing them to increase R&D investment. Should actively summarize and assess the Cai Shui [2011] No. 81, Cai Shui [2011] No. 82 and other policies in Beijing Zhongguancun, Shanghai Zhangjiang, Wuhan East Lake and Anhui Hewu Mussels National Innovation Demonstration Zones (Comprehensive Pilot Zones) and other places of the implementation of the effect of appropriate adjustments and optimization, and the opportunity to be pushed open in the country.
4. According to the characteristics of innovation activities, continue to improve the operability of tax policies. The characteristics of innovative activities should be further analyzed and understood, and the scope of application, conditions, procedures, supporting requirements and other details of the current policies should be further refined in deepening the reform of the fiscal and taxation system, so as to improve the operability of the tax policies. Promote the practical implementation of existing policies. For example, local governments should expeditiously formulate and introduce specific operational rules for accelerated depreciation of R&D instruments and equipment and pre-tax deduction of employee education expenses. Continue to apply the technology transfer tax relief policy, the preferential income tax policy for technologically advanced enterprises, and the preferential income tax policy for enterprises in the transitional period, and summarize the practical experience in a timely manner to improve and perfect the expired policies.
5. Utilizing tax policies to encourage long-term investment in science and technology, tax incentives for specific innovative activities such as combining industry, academia and research, and research and development of integrated innovations should be explored in particular. In general, this kind of science and technology innovation activities of large investment, long cycle, the actual risk faced by enterprises is relatively high. To solve the risk, on the one hand, it is necessary to rely on the enterprise's own technical and financial means, on the other hand, it is necessary for the government to adopt tax policy to support the combination of industry-university-research science and technology R & D and innovation activities, the long-term goal of the ladder-type results of the transformation strategy and scientific and technological talent echelon cultivation, etc., in order to reduce the integrated risk, and to incentivize the enterprises and partners to innovate.
6. Strengthening policy incentives for the commercialization of enterprises' innovations. Formulate tax incentive policies that favor the transfer of scientific research results from scientific research institutions and institutions of higher learning to enterprises. At the same time, supporting consideration should be given to further improving laws and regulations on the definition of property rights for scientific research results.
7. Strengthen and optimize the tax incentive mechanism for human capital. To establish and improve sufficient compensation and effective incentive mechanism for human capital, it is necessary to start from enterprise income tax and individual income tax, adjust and optimize tax incentive policies for human capital, stimulate the innovative activities of scientific and technological talents, and promote the cultivation and promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship consciousness of the whole society. Reference can be made to the industry-academia-education agreement system, which has been implemented in France for 30 years and is quite effective. (CIFRE () The French government subsidizes doctoral students to complete their doctoral dissertations in enterprises, which usually sign a three-year employment contract with the doctoral students required to complete their dissertations. For each doctoral student employed by an enterprise, the enterprise will receive a government subsidy of 14,000 euros per year for three consecutive years, and at the same time enjoy a tax deduction of 14,000 euros per year, provided that the enterprise pays the doctoral student an annual salary of not less than 23,000 euros.), and to explore similar feasible options in light of the actual situation in China.
8. Improve the relevant working and coordinating mechanisms. It is necessary to improve the working mechanism for the management of tax incentives, increase the transparency of tax policies, optimize the exchange of information with enterprises, relevant colleges and universities, and institutions, so as to timely and objectively assess the effectiveness of the implementation of tax incentives. At the same time, a joint working mechanism between the tax department and the science and technology department should be established to strengthen the policy publicity and consulting services, and the coordination and cooperation with the judicial department in legal affairs should be strengthened in conjunction with the protection of intellectual property rights and other matters.
[1] Fang Chong: "Research on the Correlation between Enterprise Independent Innovation and Tax Policy", Doctoral Dissertation, Hefei University of Technology, 2010.
[2] Huang Yongming, He Wei: "Tax Incentives for Technological Innovation: Theory and Practice", Fiscal Research, No. 10, 2006.
[3] Zhang Wenchun: "The Role of Tax Policy in Promoting the Development of High-tech Industry and Its Mechanism Analysis", Journal of Renmin University of China, Issue 1, 2006.
[4] ZHAO Zhigeng: "Tax Policies to Promote Independent Innovation", China Taxation, No. 5, 2006.
[5] Han Jie, He Yuxin, Cheng Shihua: "Supporting the Overall Situation and Focusing on the Long Term: A Review of Deepening the Reform of Fiscal and Tax System".
About the Authors
Jia Kang, Director, Institute of Fiscal Science, Ministry of Finance
Liu Wei, Researcher, Huaxia Institute of New Supply Economics