The translation of "taking up space on your device" into Chinese is: taking up space on your device.
There are 3 English words that I think are more important in this sentence, so I'm going to put them out here for a detailed explanation to make it easier for you to understand:
taking up
taking up space on your device
How do you translate "taking up space on your device" into Chinese? p>English? [?te?k ?p]? American? [?te?k ?p]?
1. to begin to engage in: to begin to study or engage in an activity, hobby, or occupation.
2. Occupy (space, time, etc.): means that something or something occupies a certain amount of space or time.
take up with?with ; and...associate with ; and ; enter into a contract
take up arms?to take up arms ; to take up arms ; to move a sword or a gun ; to raise an army
Bilingual Example Sentences:
I won't?take?up?any more?of?your?time.?
I'd like?to?take?up?the?point?you?raised earlier.?
I'd like?to?continue?on?the?point?you?raised earlier.
English? [spe?s]? US? [spe?s]?
n. space, open space; premises, place, vacancy (for a particular purpose); empty seat (of a public ****car, train, etc.); open space, open place; openness, emptiness; blankness, gap; space, outer space; cosmic space; a period of time; liberty, free, discretionary time; an interval (of words, lines, paragraphs); ( space when typing) a space, the width of a letter; (a) blank space (on a document); (music) (the) interlinear blank space between lines of a score; space, space; (an) advertisement page (of a newspaper), (an) advertisement insertion time (between television and radio programs); (a) store (for rent or sale); (number) space; (a) blank number (of a telecommunication)
v. a space between ... ... to space, to separate ......; to put spaces between (words, letters, lines) (in printing or writing); to become drowsy (especially from boredom or drugs), to stare blankly
[ plural spaces third-person singular spaces present participle spacing past tense spaced past participle spaced ]
Word phrases:
in space?in space; in cosmic space
time and space?time and space
living space?living space; living space
outer space? space; outer space
Near synonyms:
n. space; space; distance
vi. to keep distance
keep distance
vt. to separate
partition off?,?fence out
Word identification:
cosmos, space, universe
These are words that are used to describe the universe, the universe, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space, the space. p>
These words all mean "cosmos, space", the difference is:
cosmos is a Greek word that refers to a harmonious and orderly universe, as opposed to chaos (the state of chaos that existed prior to the creation of the heavens and the earth).
space?refers to the atmosphere or the very high sky beyond the solar system, i.e. space.
universe?refers to the vast expanse of space that includes the Earth and other celestial bodies.
Bilingual Example Sentences:
He?needed?space?to be?himself.?
He needed his own separate space.
One needs?space?to?be oneself.
She?needed?space?to be?herself.?
She needed?space?to be?herself.
English? [d?va?s]? US? [d?va?s]?
n. device, device; means, method; gimmick, trick; bomb, explosive device; drawing, design; <ancient> style, appearance
[ plural devices ]
control device? control device?control device, controller
medical device?medical device; medical equipment; medical accessories for the human body
protection device?protective device; protective equipment
electronic device?electronic device; electronic facilities; electronic devices; electronic instruments
[ plural devices ]
[plural devices ]
storage device?
Near synonyms:
n. [machine] device; strategy; pattern
apparatus?,?installation?,?strategy?,?unit?,? gear
Word identification:
installation, tool, device, apparatus, implement, equipment, instrument, appliance, facilities
These words all mean "instrument, equipment, apparatus, appliance", the difference is:
installation? A complete set of devices or facilities that are installed and ready for use or operation.
tool?generally refers to a hand tool for special work, but can also refer to man-made tools that use power, and can also be used by extension.
device?refers to an elaborate instrument or device designed or modified for a special purpose or to solve a particular mechanical problem.
apparatus?can refer either to a specific complex instrument, device or apparatus consisting of many different parts, or to them in general.
implement?Originally referring to a tool used by prehistoric man, but now mostly referring to agricultural tools, it can also refer to a tool or implement needed to accomplish a task.
equipment?refers to complete or heavy equipment or gear. Usually used as an uncountable noun.
instrument?Usually refers to a small instrument that enables a person to perform a precise action or measurement, especially an electrician's instrument, a measuring device, a control device used in navigation or aviation.
appliance?refers to a household machine or device, especially a household appliance.
Facilities? is often used in the plural form to refer to equipment or facilities that are available for use.
Bilingual Example Sentences:
The device is fixed to a post.
The?device?was?protected by?a?patent.?
This device was protected by a patent.
The?device?draws?gas?along the?pipe.?
The device?draws?gas?along the?pipe.