Is your child's overuse of 3c products bothering you?
Is your child's overuse of 3C products bothering you?
Is your child's cell phone use affecting their ability to concentrate a concern for you?
Does your child's obsession with his or her cell phone make him or her less likely to interact with others a problem for you?
To cope with these issues, moms and dads use a lot of tactics to guide and limit the amount of time their kids spend on their phones. But have moms and dads ever thought that the amount of time they spend on their cell phones is actually no less than their kids?
There are too many parents out there with their kids, but they're in the middle of the action. When you're on social media and you're concerned about what's going on with other people, it means you're not interacting with your own kids as much.
Tolstoy once said, "Time is like a Siberian spring, beautiful but short.
Children don't spend a lot of time with their parents, even less time than you do with your pets.
Kids keep growing up, and it's always hard when they're with us. But when they grow up and leave home, it's amazing to realize that the time we have them is the best time of our lives.
The touching moments of a child's first speech, first walk, first tumble, first chopsticks, first award, shouldn't be remembered through cell phone movies after you've lost them, but should be enjoyed with the child in the "present" as he grows up, because a lot of these moments will be "lost if you miss them.
Reminders from medical research
The University of Illinois conducted a study of preschoolers under the age of 5 and found that the more often parents use their cell phones, the more hyperactivity and emotional problems their children have. And when a child has such problems, parents spending more time on their cell phones in search of an emotional outlet will lead to more parent-child problems.
Another U.S. study shows that parents who give their children long-term access to screens before the age of 3 in order to keep them quiet can affect their children's ability to focus and their emotions, and even cause them to have insufficient vocabulary, resulting in communication barriers.
A child's voice, a child's voice, has become an adult, do you remember?
Mom and Dad I wish...
You would come to my room at night, give me a good cover, read me a storybook, and tell me about my childhood;
You would hug me, kiss me, and sit down with me and talk about the secrets that are exclusive to just the two of us;
You would have time that is exclusive to me, and there wouldn't be any brothers or sisters next to me.
You'll have exclusive time for me, and there won't be any older siblings next to you;
You'll hide under the covers with me and watch my favorite cartoons.
Jimmy Trellis once said, "You'll have a lot of time on your hands. Jim Trellis once said, "You may have unlimited wealth, boxes of jewelry and cabinets of gold. But you will never be richer than me, and I have a mom who reads to me."
Do you know what the happiest thing you can do for your children is?
According to Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of human needs, companionship belongs to the needs of belonging and love. The most important thing you can do for your kids is to make sure they have a good relationship with their parents, and that they have a good relationship with their children. Therefore, please put down your cell phone and leave your children for 20 minutes, and now come to Parent-Child Interaction 123 with Mr. Da Chen!
Mr. Chen's Parent-Child Interaction 123
Parent-Child Interaction 123 is about spending 20 minutes with your child every day, and doing 3 things together: 'Parent-Child **** Reading, Sharing, and Playing'.
In recent years, parenting has become more and more important, mainly because it has a positive impact on children's brain development, language development, and interpersonal interactions. However, it's not just about reading to your child, it's about interacting with your child through the process of storytelling, which helps to train your child.
Talking to your child is the key to developing empathy. Talking to your child about what's going on today, or letting them express their emotions, lets them know that mom and dad care about what they think and feel. Remember that you can talk to your child about all sorts of things, not just schoolwork.
Children often learn through play, and Oxford University's Infant Mental Health Journal mentions that fathers who play with their babies can **** their motivation, intelligence, and character. . However, mom's playtime can also foster empathy, security and self-care skills. Therefore, when parents have time, they can play with their children at home, such as building blocks, board games, puzzles and other games. The newest addition to the list is the newest addition to the list, the newest addition to the list, the newest addition to the list, the newest addition to the list.
* This post was authorized for publication by John Chen. This article is authorized for publication by Junyu Chen, a full-service potential development instructor, and is prohibited from being republished without prior consent
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