Before the Soviet Union, Northern Russia was Tsarist Russia, the equivalent of China's Qing Dynasty
In 1917, the October Revolution broke out in Tsarist Russia, and Tsarist Russia was overthrown and replaced by the Soviets
The Soviets set up a regime in the USSR, and reorganized the situation within the country to develop the strength of the country
Before the Second World War, the Soviet Union
After World War II, Germany was defeated and the Allies, led by the Soviet Union and the United States, defeated Germany
The Soviet Union poached a number of German scientists and advanced technology from Germany
During World War II, Germany's science and technology industries were among the strongest in the world
But Germany was over-ambitious at the time, and was attacking and annexing other countries to pillage their resources.
Causing many countries in the world to unite to fight it, Germany was attacked on all sides and eventually lost the war
And many of Germany's scientists and industrial technologies were divided up between the United States and the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union also continued to improve its own strength
Later on the United States and the Soviet Union formed the two superpowers
But later on, the two countries, the United States and the Soviet Union, competed for international status and power
The two countries, the United States and the Soviet Union, were the most powerful in the world.
The Cold War and the arms race broke out
The USSR did not take into account its own national conditions and focused on developing heavy industry and military industries
The light industry and agriculture, which are related to people's livelihoods, were too neglected
Causing the Soviet Union's economy to continue to decline, and the people's livelihoods to fall apart
The country had many problems, and later various problems broke out, leading to the collapse of the USSR. The problems led to the collapse of the USSR
The USSR was originally a union of many countries
After the collapse of the USSR, those countries that joined the union became independent
And the biggest successor was Russia
Russia inherited 70% of the USSR's power and most of the country's territory
The rest of the country was divided up by the union countries, such as Ukraine. The rest of the country has been divided into independent countries, such as Ukraine and Belarus
So, why Russia's military power is so strong
Mainly because it inherited most of the strength of the Soviet Union
And the Soviet Union in the past was too much development of the military industry, so that the accumulation of such strong military power
But it also sowed the root of the trouble, too much emphasis on heavy industry, such as military industry, and the imbalance of domestic industry has led to the development of a military industry, and the development of the military industry. The imbalance in the domestic industry led to many problems and disintegration
So Russia inherited most of the Soviet Union's military power
The Soviet Union's military power is still in the hands of the Russians, and the Russians have a lot of money to spend.