1. about the role of insulin the following error is () Pharmacology
A. promote fat synthesis, inhibit lipolysis
B. inhibit protein synthesis, inhibit amino acid entry into the cell
C. promote the utilization of glucose, inhibit the decomposition and production of glycogen
D. promote the entry of potassium into the cell, lowering the blood potassium
2. A patient with pain in the hepatic region after long-term alcohol consumption, the main lesion of the liver in this patient may be ()Pathology
A. Eosinophilic degeneration of hepatocytes
B. Hepatocellular steatosis
C. Hepatocellular sinusoidal endothelial hyperplasia
D. Hepatocellular hydatidic degeneration
3. The first choice of first aid for respiratory depression caused by acute intoxication with morphine ( )
A. Naloxone
B. Caffeine
C. Lobelin
D. Niclosamide
4. Narcotic drug injections for outpatient (emergency) clinic patients are prescribed for a single usual amount per prescription; controlled extended-release preparations, each prescription shall not exceed ________ daily dosage ()
Health laws and regulations
Ancesthesia is the first choice for acute poisoning with morphine.
A. 3 days
B. 5
C. 7 days
D. 14 days
5. Complement does not have which of the following roles () Medical Immunology
A. Bacteriolysis and cytotoxicity
B. Neutralization of toxins
C. Conditioning
D. Inflammation Mediator effect
6. The important pathologic feature of type IV hypersensitivity reaction is () Medical Immunology
A. Erythrocyte infiltration
B. Monocyte infiltration
C. Platelet infiltration
D. Eosinophilic granulocyte infiltration
Reference Answer and Explanation p>
1. Reference Answer C. Explanation:(1) The question is about pharmacology-insulin and other hypoglycemic agents-insulin. (2) Insulin mainly promotes the storage of glycogen and fat in target tissues such as liver, fat and muscle.
① Promote fat synthesis and inhibit lipolysis, reduce the production of free fatty acids and ketone bodies, and increase the transfer of fatty acids and glucose to increase their utilization. ② Promote glycogen synthesis and storage, accelerate glucose oxidation and fermentation, and inhibit glycogen decomposition and xenobiosis to reduce blood glucose. ③Increase the transportation of amino acids and the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, and inhibit the decomposition of proteins. ④ Accelerating heart rate, strengthening myocardial contractility, and decreasing renal blood flow, which should be fully noted when accompanied by corresponding diseases. ⑤Promote the entry of potassium ions into the cells and reduce the blood potassium concentration (C is right, ABD is wrong, choose C for this question).
2. Reference answer B. Explanation: (1) The question is about the knowledge of pathology - cell and tissue adaptation and damage - degeneration. (2)In severe intoxication (chronic alcoholism or hypoxia) and infectious diseases, steatosis then often involves all hepatocytes. Significant diffuse hepatic steatosis is called fatty liver, and severe hepatic steatosis can progress to hepatic necrosis and cirrhosis (B is right, ACD is wrong, choose B for this question).
3. Reference answer A. Explanation: (1) The question is about pharmacology-analgesic drugs-brown and its related opioid receptor agonists. (2)PoisoningAn overdose of morphine can cause acute poisoning, which is characterized by coma, profound respiratory depression, and extremely dilated pupils (pinpoint pupils), often accompanied by decreased blood pressure, severe hypoxia, and urinary retention. Respiratory paralysis is the main cause of death. Rescue measures are artificial respiration, appropriate amount of oxygen, and intravenous naloxone, an opioid receptor blocking drug (A is right, BCD is wrong, choose A for this question).
4. Reference answer C. Explanation: (1) The question examines the knowledge of health laws and regulations. (2) for outpatient (emergency) patients prescribed narcotic drugs injection, each prescription for a common amount; controlled release preparations, each prescription shall not exceed 7 daily dosage; other dosage forms, each prescription shall not exceed 3 daily dosage (C is right, ABD is wrong, the question choice C).
5. Reference answer B. Explanation: (1) The question examines the medical immunology - complement system - the role of knowledge. (2) The biological functions of complement: ① cytotoxicity; ② regulatory role; ③ inflammatory mediator role; ④ removal of immune complexes (B is wrong, ACD is right, choose B for this question).
6. Reference answer B. Analysis: (1) The question is about medical immunology-hypersensitivity reaction-type IV hypersensitivity reaction. (2)Antigen-activated effector Thl cells release a variety of cytokines such as IFN-7, TNF-a, LT-a (TNF-p), and the chemokine MCP-1.TNF-a and LT-a increase the expression of adhesion molecules in local vascular endothelial cells, and MCP-1 chemotaxis single nucleated cells, promoting the aggregation of macrophages and lymphocytes to the site of the antigen, causing tissue damage; IFN Thl7 and TNF-a activate macrophages, which further release pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1 and IL-6, exacerbating the inflammatory response.Thl cells can also kill Fas-expressing target cells with the help of FasL. IL-17 produced by antigen-activated Thl7 cells can recruit monocytes and neutrophils to reach the antigenic site to participate in tissue damage (B is right, ACD is wrong, choose B for this question).