Sewage laboratory design?

Laboratory inspection work is an important part of modern sewage treatment and environmental protection work. Analysis of data not only for the inlet and outlet water analysis, but also to provide timely analysis of data for the process, test the effectiveness of process operation. According to the process parameters production requirements and policies and regulations analysis tasks, the establishment of the laboratory, the purchase of the necessary instruments, equipment and chemical reagents, selection and training of qualified laboratory personnel, the implementation of strict scientific management, so that the laboratory work in a well-organized manner.1 laboratory design requirements 1) room layout and staffing. Laboratory is broadly divided into the following departments according to function: ① sample preparation room: sample collection and preparation, pretreatment, transfer and retention of reserves: ② storage room: chemical reagents and glassware storage and safekeeping, toxic and hazardous reagents placed (equipped with safety cabinets) ③ integrated physical and chemical room: the basic laboratory operations, general physical and chemical analysis; ④ precision instruments room: placement of precision instruments, which need to be protected against instrument storage Electromagnetic interference, anti-vibration, anti-noise, anti-corrosion, dust and constant temperature and humidity, etc., in addition to the need for stable power conditions; ⑤ balance room: a professional weighing work asked: ⑥ biological testing room: the environment and ventilation have specific requirements, responsible for biological experiments, aseptic clean room has standard cleanliness requirements; ⑦ auxiliary cylinders room: storage of gas cylinders place; ⑧ office (auxiliary room): data processing, File storage and daily affairs management and organization of logistical supplies and other work. Personnel training and induction. With professional skills and theoretical basis. 2) building requirements: room structure earthquake-proof, fire, dust and poisoning prevention, adequate lighting, building structure to reinforced concrete structure, partitions and ceiling decorative materials to consider the fire performance, the floor with floor tiles or terrazzo floor, the windows should be tight, dust-proof, the installation of curtains to avoid light. The laboratory table is made of corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant materials. Requirements for firm, flat surface. 3) water supply and drainage: water from the outdoor water supply network, direct water supply. Indoor installation of a general valve, requires easy operation, the installation of floor drains. Upper water pipe, upper water valves and connectors need to be acid and alkali corrosion-resistant materials, generally use polyethylene; laboratory sinks recommended PP material mold production, stronger corrosion resistance, drainpipes, connectors, tees, elbows straight pipe, etc. using PVC material. Drainage pipe reserved height standard: 80 ~ 100mm. 4) Ventilation design: laboratory work may produce harmful gases, to provide a safe and comfortable working environment must be well ventilated. Natural ventilation is a commonly used form of ventilation, the advantage is that it does not consume energy, but when the space is large, the effect is poor when you can guide the air flow in a certain direction, you can improve the ventilation effect: mechanical ventilation is the need for some of the cleaner experimental environment must be the way, these laboratories need to install extractor fans or exhaust fans to force the air exchange (local or room-wide), the air inlet in the room to install the appropriate filters to block the brought in by the outdoor dust and other interferences; for the production of hazardous gases need to be carried out in the fume hood experiment, it has a gas does not backflow, isolation function, is an important issue in the construction of the laboratory: in cold regions, winter temperatures are low, the laboratory must be added to the heating system in order to maintain the appropriate room temperature; in addition to the temperature and humidity have a high demand, but also need to consider the installation of air conditioning, air conditioning. 5) Electricity design: the budget laboratory power supply Total capacity, indoor three-phase AC power supply and single AC power supply, set the total power control switch, if the experiment stops still need to run, there should be a dedicated power supply, not to cut off the total power supply and affect its work, the power supply of precision instruments using a dedicated power supply, if necessary, to ensure that the voltage is stable, the installation of the UPS voltage regulator. Installation of three-phase sockets and single sockets, high-power sockets should have switch control and insurance equipment (such as 20 ampere current above the socket) to prevent short-circuiting, does not affect the normal power supply of the entire room. In addition to lighting power and equipment power separately, conventional laboratory lighting in 75 ~ 150LZ. 6) safety design: laboratory should be equipped with appropriate fire-fighting equipment, equipped with hazardous waste liquid waste collection device for harmless treatment. According to the sewage discharged into urban sewers water quality standards (CJ3082-1999), comprehensive sewage discharge standards (GB8978-1996) and Jiangsu Province, urban sewage treatment plant operation and management assessment standards (for trial implementation) regulations, the development of sewage, sludge treatment and testing projects and cycles are as follows: 100,000 = 3 / d of water treated The following sewage treatment test items and cycle: ① once a day: CODcr, PH, BOD5, SS, TP, NH3-N, N03-N, TN, chloride, MLSS, MLVSS, SV%, aeration tank Do; once a week: fecal coliform; ② once a day: water content, organic matter, pH. once a week: fecal coliform. 2 based on the test items and my years of experience. And my years of experience, to determine the small sewage laboratory instruments and reagents purchased 2.I sewage treatment laboratory analysis project instrumentation and reagents list is as follows 1) CODcr: Methods: Potassium dichromate method (GBIl914-89); Instruments and equipment: Heating digestion; (Note: CODcr automatic determination device can be selected); glassware: Reflux device (condenser tube), iron stand, 50mL acid buret, 250mL triangular conical flask, glass beads: spare reagents: potassium dichromate (GR), Lingfeldin, ferrous sulfate, ferrous ammonium sulfate, concentrated sulfuric acid, silver sulfate, mercuric sulfate, potassium hydrogensphthalate (GR). 2) PH (plus water temperature): method: glass electrode method (GB6920-86); instrumentation: PII meter (with temperature sensing): glassware: 100mL beaker; spare reagent: PH standard reagent 25 ℃ (4.00, 6.86. 9.23). 3) Chromaticity: Method: Dilution multiplier method (GBll903-89): glassware: 50mL corked cuvette. 4) BoD5: Method: Dilution and inoculation method (GB a 7488-87); Instrumentation: BOD incubator, Do tester, magnetic oscillator: (Note: BOD automatic tester is optional); Glassware. Dissolved oxygen bottle, glass stirring rod, 1000-2000mL measuring cylinder, 5-20L fine-mouth glass bottle, inverted siphon tube; spare reagents: potassium dihydrogen phosphate, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate heptahydrate, ammonium chloride, magnesium sulphate, calcium chloride, ferric chloride, sodium sulphite, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, glucose, glutamic acid. 5)ss: method: weight analysis GBll901-89; instrumentation: Microporous membrane filtration device, vacuum pump, blast drying oven, water bath, electronic analytical balance (one ten thousandth): glassware: suction filter bottle, non-toothed flat-billed tweezers, desiccator, evaporation dish, diameter 30 ~ 50mm weighing flasks: standby reagents: 0.45um filter membrane. 6) NH3-N: Method: Nasher's reagent photometric method (GB7479-87); Instrumentation: spectrophotometer, PH meter; glassware: 50mL stoppered cuvette, polyethylene bottles, glass rods, distillation device (preparation of ammonia-free water), test-tube racks; spare reagents: sodium hydroxide, potassium iodide, mercuric iodide, sodium potassium tartrate, ammonium chloride (GR). 7) TN: method: ultraviolet spectrophotometry (GBll894-89): instrumentation: ultraviolet spectrophotometer, pressure Steam sterilizer or civilian pressure cooker (pressure of 1.1 ~ 1.3kg / cm2, the corresponding temperature of 120 ~ 124 ℃); glassware: 25ml stoppered cuvettes, beakers, test tube racks: standby reagents: sodium hydroxide, potassium persulfate, hydrochloric acid, potassium nitrate (GR). 8) TP: method: ultraviolet spectrophotometric method (GBll894-89); instrumentation: spectrophotometer, Pressure steam sterilizer or civilian pressure cooker (pressure of 1.O ~ 1.5kg / cm2): glassware: 50 = I (milled) with hem cuvette, test tube rack: spare reagents: potassium persulfate, sulfuric acid, ascorbic acid, ammonium molybdate, potassium antimony oxytartrate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate (GR). 9) Chloride: Methods: titration method of silver nitrate (GBll896-89); glassware: 150ml conical flask, 50mL brown acid buret; Alternate reagents: sodium chloride (GR), silver nitrate (GR), potassium chromate, phenolphthalein, potassium aluminum sulfate, oxygen peroxide, potassium permanganate, ethanol. 10)DO: method: iodine amount method (GB7489-87) instrumental method; Instrumentation: Do portable meter can be selected; Glassware: 50mL brown alkaline buret, iodine The most bottle, 250-350mL dissolved oxygen bottle, pipette dropper, brown bottle; spare reagents: manganese sulfate, sodium hydroxide, potassium iodide, sulfuric acid, starch, potassium dichromate (GR), sodium thiosulphate.1 1) MLSS: Method: weight analysis; Instrumentation: centrifuge, blower drying oven, water bath, electronic analytical balance (one ten-thousandth); Glassware: lOOmL porcelain bowl. lOOml measuring cylinder, water bath, electronic analytical balance (one ten-thousandth); Glassware: lOOmL porcelain bowl. lOOml measuring cylinder, lOOml measuring cylinder, crucible tongs, desiccator. 12) MLVSS: method: gravimetric analysis; instrumentation: centrifuge, blast drying oven, water bath, electronic analytical balance (one in 10,000), muffle furnace (box-type resistance furnace); glassware: 50ml crucible, lOOml cylinder, crucible tongs, desiccator. 13) SV%: glassware: lOOml, 1000ml cylinder 14)Bio-phase: Instrumentation: biological microscope; glassware: slide, coverslip, 50ml beaker, dropper. 15)Sludge moisture content: Method: weight analysis; Instrumentation: electronic analytical balance (one ten-thousandth), blower drying oven; glassware: lOOml bowl, crucible tongs, desiccator. 16)Sludge organics: Method: heavy most analysis; Instrumentation: blower drying oven, electronic analytical balance (one ten thousandth), muffle furnace (box-type resistance furnace); glassware: 50ml crucible, crucible clamp, desiccator. 17) fecal coliform: method: multi-tube fermentation method: instrumentation: pressure steam sterilizer, constant temperature incubator; glassware: lOml fermentation tubes with silicone plugs, small inverted tubes, test tube racks, alcohol lamps, inoculation needles; spare reagents: lactose peptones 2.2 routine experimental operations spare utensils and instruments 1) experimental water preparation: instrumentation: water purifier, (distilled water generator), conductivity meter; glassware and aids: plastic water collection bucket, glass water bottles, rubber catheter. 2) solution preparation, storage: instrumentation; ordinary electronic balance, electronic analytical balance (one ten-thousandth), magnetic stirrer, refrigerator. 3) the preparation of the solution: the preparation of the solution, storage: instrumentation: ordinary electronic balance, electronic analytical balance (one ten-thousandth), magnetic stirrer, refrigerator. 4) the preparation of the solution: the preparation of the solution, storage, glassware and aids: glassware: glassware: glassware and aids: plastic water collection bucket, glass water bottles, rubber catheter; Glassware and aids: (100ml, 500ml, 1000m1) measuring cylinder, (50ml, I0Oml, 200mL, 500ml, IOOml, 2000m1) beaker, distillation flasks, colorless, brown reagent flasks (fine-mouth, large-mouth and milled-mouth non milled-mouth points), colorless, brown dropper, colorless, brown volumetric flasks (50m1. 100ml, 100ml, 250m1, 500m1, 500m1, 500m1, 500m1, 500m1, 500m1) 200ml, 250m1, 500ml, 1000m1): graduated pipettes (1, 2, 5, lOml four kinds of specifications); pot-bellied pipettes (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, lOOml); wash bottles and droppers; ordinary funnels (short and long tube); commonly used spherical dispensing funnels; glass sand core funnel, weighing flasks (diameter of 160-300mm), corner spoon; Glass rods, earwash balls, weighing paper and filter paper. 3) Heating, distillation, fractional distillation: apparatus and equipment: alcohol lamps, electric furnaces, water baths, distillation (fractional distillation) apparatus; glassware and auxiliary materials: Eris and flat-bottomed flasks, spherical (serpentine) condenser tubes, tubes, iron racks, asbestos nets, zeolites, rubber catheters. 4) washing and drying of utensils: apparatus and equipment: utensil dryers: glassware and auxiliary materials: brushes , test tube brush, test tube rack, pipette rack, gloves.

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