Nanchang County in the province's first pilot harmless treatment of live pigs

Nanchang County in the province's first pilot harmless treatment of live pigs, sick and dead pigs after harmless treatment, not only environmental emissions, and the production of high-quality organic fertilizers, a powerful big to ensure the safety of urban residents tongue.

Located in Jiangxiang Town, Nanchang County, Nanchang Hot Xin Feeding Industry Co., Ltd. reporter saw that the staff is the dead pigs into the new purchase of livestock organic waste harmless treatment equipment for processing, instead of the former will be buried or put into the cadaver pool in the treatment of the dead pigs.

Wu Zhegen, the company's owner, informed reporters that in May this year they invested more than 600,000 yuan, in the company set up this livestock organic waste harmless treatment center, of which 400,000 yuan for the purchase of a livestock organic waste harmless treatment machine, the machine to deal with the sick and dead pigs, not only environmentally friendly and pollution-free, and can also bring a certain degree of economic benefits in the later stage, each processing 1.3 tons of pigs, the minimum cost of only 370 yuan, and the machine is a good way to deal with the dead and sick pigs. The cost is only 370 yuan, and the organic fertilizer material generated after treatment can reach 790 yuan.

Other, Wu Zhegen also through the Nanchang City Environmental Protection Bureau planning a system, specializing in pig manure, pig urine treatment, treatment of water discharged to reach the national secondary standards, can be used for irrigation and other purposes.

Including Nanchang hot Xin Feeding Industry Co., Ltd, Nanchang County has two companies have established a pilot harmless pig treatment.

Nanchang County Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Bureau Director Li Jiayue informed reporters that in order to respond to the provincial call for the establishment of a number of demonstration sites for harmless treatment of live pigs throughout the province.

It is reported that Nanchang County, existing large and small more than 2,500 pig farmers, the county's annual pig slaughter rate of more than 1.2 million heads, and in the absence of epidemics and other normal conditions, the annual mortality rate of pigs in the 3% of the cloth, to deal with the number of sick and dead pigs is quite a lot.

The next step, Nanchang County program will be harmless treatment of live pigs continue to promote, covering all the county's breeding households.

Li Jiayue informed reporters that all the sick and dead hogs all to reach the harmless treatment needs, can not flow to the market, flow to the table, pit people's health.