Industrial machinery
CNC machining centers, CNC lathes, CNC milling machine, CNC wire cutting machine, CNC drilling machine, gantry milling machine, laser processing equipment, marking machine, CNC engraving machine, plotter, IC sealing machine, CNC discharge machine, CNC grinder, glass machinery, textile machinery, woodworking machinery. Printing and Packaging Machinery, Petroleum Machinery, Metallurgical Machinery, Tobacco Machinery
Electronic Machinery
Machine Arm, Testing Machinery, Measuring Equipment, X-Y Platform, Medical Equipment, Factory Automation Equipment
Transmission Machines
Metal Heat Treating Equipment, Nuclear Reaction Devices, Actuators
Aerospace Industry
Airplane Flap Actuators for aircraft flaps, seat actuators, airport equipment
Radio antenna actuators, window and door controls, medical bed controls, parking lot equipment
The least common type of actuator is actually parking lot equipment
Carwing Rollerball Technology provides
These are the most common types of actuators in the world.