Portable X-ray machine without scanning bed how to penetrate the human body X-rays

1, you said the portable X-ray machine should be the use of photographic film imaging, the principle is:

Based on the X-ray penetration, differential absorption, photographic effect, ionization effect, fluorescence effect and biological effects, X-ray has been applied to people's social life in various fields, such as industrial injury detection, medical diagnosis and treatment.

X-rays have a strong penetrating ability, in medicine, when irradiating the human body, due to the composition and density of the various parts of the human body tissues are different, so that the amount of X-ray penetration is different, when the remaining X-ray irradiation to the photographic film will be less penetration of the bone to form a clear picture.

2, the difference between CR and DR

At present, the domestic mainstream CR / DR imaging equipment models are as follows, so that simpler:

2.1 Computerized Radiography (CR)

U.S. Kodak DirectView CR850 Ruike (Xiamen) Medical Equipment Co. DirectView CR 975 Rekall (Xiamen) Medical Devices Co.

FCR XG 5000 Fuji Medical Devices (Shanghai) Co.

FCR Capsula XL Fuji Medical Devices (Shanghai) Co.

PoCCR 140 Shenyang Neusoft Medical Systems Co.

Profect CS Fuji Medical Devices (Shanghai) Co. Profect CS Fuji Medical Devices (Shanghai) Co.

Israel Kodak PoC CR 260 Rekall (Xiamen) Medical Devices Co. Ltd.

Israel KodakPoC CR 120

Israel Kodak CR 7400

2.2 Digital Radiographs (DR)

(1) Domestic Digital Radiographs (DR) flat panel detector and CCD class

XHX300 Shandong Xinhua Medical Equipment Co.

New Oriental 1000 (integrated bed) Beijing Wandong Medical Equipment Co. (2)Domestic Digital Radiograph (DR) Line Scan Category

LDR-02B-C Beijing Aerospace Zhongxing Medical System Co. Ltd.

(3) Imported digital camera CCD detector class

Velocity U Fuji Medical Devices (Shanghai) Co. IXIM2000 Germany Yingmei Cos Digital Imaging Company

(4) imported digital radiograph (DR) plate detector class

Kodak Direct View DR7500 Ruike (Shanghai) Medical Equipment Co. Ltd. medical system

DigitalDiagnost single-board, motorized, origin: Germany Philips (China) Investment Ltd. medical system

DigitalDiagnost single-board, non-motorized, origin: Germany Philips (China) Investment Ltd. medical system

Kodak Direct View DR3000, origin: China Ruike (Shanghai) Medical Devices Co.

Definium6000 Beijing GE Warren Medical Equipment

AXIOM Aristos VX Siemens (China) Ltd Medical Systems Group

USA Kodak Direct View DR9000 Rekall (Shanghai) Medical Devices Co.

France STATIF Beijing Gawa Ami Economic and Trade Co.

Germany deray 1000 China Medical Device Industry Corporation