Drawings of the new pneumonia are as follows:
On February 21, 2020, the National Health Commission issued a notice on the revision of the English naming of the new coronavirus pneumonia, deciding to revise the English name of the new coronavirus pneumonia to " COVID-19", which is consistent with the World Health Organization's nomenclature, and the Chinese name remains unchanged.
New coronavirus pneumonia is in the early stages of rapid change. China has released the full genome sequence of the new coronavirus that causes novel coronavirus pneumonia, which will help scientists and public ****health organizations around the world to join in the development of diagnostic reagents and research on the pathogenicity of the virus.
Direct transmission refers to the patient sneezing, coughing, talking droplets, exhaled gases in close proximity to direct inhalation leading to infection; aerosol transmission refers to the droplets mixed in the air, the formation of aerosols, inhalation leads to infection; contact transmission refers to the droplets deposited on the surface of the object, contact with the contaminated hand, and then contact with the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, nasal cavity, eyes and other mucous membranes, leading to infection.