Xingsha Sewage Treatment Plant is located in Changsha, Hunan. The existing sewage treatment scale is 120,000 tons/day, and the sewage collection range is a combined rainwater and sewage system. During the rainy season, a large amount of rainwater enters the sewage pipes, and the water volume greatly exceeds the design load. The dilution concentration makes the drainage unable to meet environmental protection requirements. Therefore, the Xingsha Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion and quality improvement project was officially launched in 2013 with a project investment of 170 million yuan. It is planned to complete the expansion construction of 60,000 tons/day and open water operation by October 2014, reaching a total scale of 180,000 tons. tons/day, and the sewage interception method is changed from gates to interception troughs. At present, the pipeline network in the sewage collection area is 60.4 kilometers long, and all construction has been completed.
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