Population aging.
The population of the country is 22,245,973,737 people aged 0-14, accounting for 16.60%, and 9,396,16410 people aged 15-59, accounting for 70.14%.
The number of people aged 60 and above was 177,648,705, accounting for 13.26%, of which the number of people aged 65 and above was 11,883,1709, accounting for 8.87%. Compared with the fifth national census in 2000, the proportion of the population aged 0-14 decreased by 6.29 percentage points, and the proportion of the population aged 15-59 increased by 3.36 percentage points.
At the end of 2015, the total population of mainland China, in terms of age composition, had a working-age population of 910.96 million people between the ages of 16 and under 60 (excluding 60), a decrease of 4.87 million people from the end of the previous year, accounting for 66.3% of the total population; the population of people 60 years old and above was 222.0 million people, accounting for 16.1% of the total population; and the population of people 65 years old and above was 143.86 million people, accounting for 10.5% of the total population.
China's Main Explanation:
The Han Chinese are the main ethnic group in China, accounting for 91.51% of the total population. There are 55 other ethnic groups, accounting for 8.49 percent. However, according to a 2005 sample, only 88% of newborns are Han Chinese, which predicts that the percentage of Han Chinese population will be only 88% when the newborns grow up.
Minorities have grown faster than the Han, from 5.2 percent of the national population in 1953, to 8.04 percent in 1990, 8.41 percent in 2000, and 9.44 percent in 2005
In the 2005 national sample census, compared with the fifth national census, the proportion of ethnic minorities in the newborn population was 14 percent, and the Han population made up 86 percent of the total population, meaning that the In the future, ethnic minorities will make up 14% of China's population. The proportion of Han Chinese will drop significantly to 86 percent.
The Han population in the 2010 census was 12,259,326,441, or 91.51 percent, while the population of various ethnic minorities was 11,379,221, or 8.49 percent. Compared with the fifth national census in 2000, the Han population increased by 665,371,777, or 5.74 percent, while the population of various ethnic minorities increased by 7,362,627, or 6.92 percent.
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia-China's Population