The same points of the on-board first aid kit and emergency medical kit

The similarities between the in-flight first aid kit and the emergency medical kit are: bandages, dressings (gauze), triangular towels, adhesive tape, arterial tourniquets, topical burn ointment, arm splints, leg splints, medical scissors, medical rubber gloves. Skin disinfectant and antiseptic cotton, one-way flap mouth-to-mouth resuscitation mask, first aid kit manual (with list of items), incident log book or in-flight emergency incident report form. Sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, oropharyngeal airway (three sizes), venous tourniquet, umbilical cord clamp, medical mask, medical rubber gloves, skin antiseptic, antiseptic swabs (balls), thermometer (non-mercury type). Syringe, 0.9% sodium chloride, 1:1000 epinephrine single dose ampoule, benadryl hydrochloride injection, nitroglycerin tablets, acetate-based salicylic acid (aspirin) oral tablets, Emergency Medical Kit manual (with a list of medications and items), Incident Record Book, or In-flight Emergency Incident Reporting Form.