Whether the first draft of the audit report of the audit team must contain tax-related irregularities

Yes, the preliminary draft of the audit report of the audit team must contain matters involving tax violations. The official website of the Audit Commission on December 21, 2021 released the "Report of the State Council on the Rectification of Problems Identified in the 2020 Audit of the Implementation of the Central Budget and Other Fiscal Revenues and Expenditures" as well as interpretations of interviews with journalists. It summarized the report on the audit rectification situation of each department as of the end of October 2021.

The Audit Commission mainly found problems, which can help us from another channel and angle to see which tax issues are the country's concern, and the General Administration of the policy and action to do a corroboration. I made a guide map of the tax-related content and excerpts organized for your reference (mind map with video interpretation).