Xinyuan town college students village officials entrepreneurial park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that the new Yuan Town College Students Village Officials Entrepreneurship Park is located in Suqian City, Jiangsu Province, Siyang County (Suqian City, Siyang County, Xinyuan Town), as of now there are 3 enterprises in the park ****, including Suqian Angwe Ancient Architecture and Landscape Architecture Limited, Jiangsu Kunxi Textile Technology Company Limited, Jiangsu Kunxi Machinery Manufacturing Company Limited.

New Yuan Town, college student village official entrepreneurship park enterprises have 33.3% distribution in the textile industry, 33.3% distribution in the general equipment manufacturing industry. Among them, the registered capital of more than ten million enterprises have Suqian Angui ancient construction and garden construction Co.

If you need to see more information about the park, we recommend that you go to Enterprise Knowledge - Free Enterprise, Park 》》》》》