Chapter III of the Regulations on Radiation Protection of Radioisotopes and Radiation Devices Safety and Protection

Article 27 Units producing, selling or using radioisotopes and radiation devices shall be responsible for the safety and protection of their own radioisotopes and radiation devices, and shall be held liable for the radioactive hazards they cause in accordance with the law.

The competent industrial department of a unit that produces radioisotopes shall strengthen the management of the safety and protection work of the production unit and regularly supervise and inspect its implementation of laws, regulations and national standards.

Article 28 Units producing, selling or using radioisotopes and radiation devices shall educate and train the staff directly engaged in the production, sale or use of such activities in safety and protection, and shall conduct an examination; those who fail the examination shall not be allowed to take up their posts.

Radiation safety critical positions should be registered nuclear safety engineers. The list of key radiation safety positions shall be formulated and published by the competent department for environmental protection under the State Council in consultation with the relevant departments of the State Council.

Article 29 Units that produce, sell or use radioisotopes and radiation devices shall, in strict accordance with the state regulations on personal dose monitoring and health management, conduct personal dose monitoring and occupational health checks on staff directly engaged in the production, sale or use of the activities, and establish personal dose files and occupational health supervision files.

Article 30 Units that produce, sell or use radioisotopes and radiation devices shall conduct an annual assessment of the safety and protection status of their radioisotopes and radiation devices. Where hidden safety hazards are found, immediate rectification shall be carried out.

Article 31 The production, sale and use of radioisotopes and radiation devices need to terminate the unit shall be cleaned up and registered in advance of the unit of radioisotopes and radioactive wastes, to make a proper disposal, and shall not be left with potential safety hazards. In the event of a change in the organization that produces, sells or uses radioisotopes and radiation devices, the changed organization shall assume the responsibility for their disposal. If the parties have agreed otherwise before the change, the agreement shall apply; however, the agreement shall not exempt the parties from the obligation to handle.

The production, sale and use of radioisotopes and radiation devices that have been terminated before the implementation of these Regulations, the used radioactive sources and radioactive wastes that have not been safely disposed of shall be disposed of in a timely manner by the competent department for environmental protection of the people's government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government in the place where they are located, by proposing a disposal plan. The funds required shall be borne by the people's governments at or above the provincial level.

Article 32 The production and import of radioactive sources of the unit sales of Class I, Class II, Class III radioactive sources to other units, the use of radioactive sources shall be signed with the unit of the used radioactive sources to return to the agreement; use of radioactive sources shall be used in accordance with the agreement on the return of the used sources of radioactive sources will be returned to the unit of production of the used radioactive sources or return to the original exporting party. Indeed can not be returned to the production unit or return to the original exporter, sent to the appropriate qualification of the centralized storage unit of radioactive waste storage.

The use of radioactive sources should be in accordance with the provisions of the State Council department in charge of environmental protection, will be Ⅳ, Ⅴ used radioactive sources for packaging and preparation to be sent to the appropriate qualifications of the centralized storage of radioactive waste storage units.

Article 33 The use of Class Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ radioactive sources and production of radioisotopes, as well as the end of the operation of radioactive contamination of the radiation device shall be decommissioned in accordance with the law.

Article 34 The production, sale, use and storage of radioisotopes and radiation devices shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State to set up obvious radioactive signs, its entrance shall be in accordance with the requirements of the relevant national safety and protection standards, set up safety and protection facilities and the necessary protection and safety interlocks, alarms, or work signals. Radiation device production commissioning and use of premises, should have to prevent misuse, to prevent staff and the public from accidental irradiation of safety measures.

Packaging containers of radioisotopes, equipment containing radioisotopes and radiation devices shall be set up with obvious radioactive markings and warning instructions in Chinese; radioactive sources that can be set up with radioactive markings shall be set up together. Transportation of radioisotopes and radioactive sources containing radiation devices shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State to set up obvious radioactive signs or display danger signals.

Article 35 Radioactive isotopes shall be stored separately, shall not be stored with flammable, explosive, corrosive substances, and designate a person responsible for safekeeping. Storage, collection, use, return of radioisotopes, should be registered, checked, to achieve the matching of accounts. The radioisotope storage place shall take the safety measures of fireproof, waterproof, anti-theft, anti-loss, anti-destruction and anti-ray leakage.

Radioactive sources should also be based on the size of the potential hazards, the establishment of appropriate multi-layer protection and security measures, and mobile sources of radioactive sources on a regular basis for inventory, to ensure that they are in a designated location, with reliable security.

Article 36 Where radioisotopes and radiation devices are used outdoors or in the field, a safety protection area shall be designated in accordance with the requirements of the national safety and protection standards, and obvious radioactive markers shall be set up, and a guard shall be set up when necessary.

The radioisotope tracer test in the field shall be approved by the competent department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the provincial level in consultation with the relevant departments at the same level before it is carried out.

Article 37 Radiation protection equipment, equipment containing radioisotopes and radiation devices, as well as products containing radioactive substances and electrical products accompanied by the generation of X-rays, shall meet the radiation protection requirements. Unqualified products shall not be factory and sales.

Article 38 Medical and health institutions using radioisotopes and radiation devices for radiotherapy shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the competent health department of the State Council and national standards, formulate a quality assurance program appropriate to the diagnostic and therapeutic projects in which the institution is engaged, comply with the norms of quality assurance and monitoring, and, in accordance with the principles of justification of medical exposures and optimization of radiation protection, avoid all unnecessary exposures, and Inform patients and examinees in advance of the potential health effects of radiation.

Article 39 When a metal smelter recycles and smelts scrap metal, it shall take the necessary monitoring measures to prevent radioactive substances from melting into the product. Problems found in the monitoring, shall promptly notify the competent department for environmental protection of the people's government at or above the municipal level of the district in which the location.