ppt template lecture - interactive teaching experience - Lecture 33 - How to use PPT templates perfectly - Pictures (Basic)

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Slide templates, that is, the slide format has been defined.PowerPoint and Word, Excel and other applications are the same. Microsoft launched one of the Office series of products, mainly for the design and production of advertising, product demonstration of the electronic version of the slide show, the production of presentations can be played through the computer screen or projector; use PowerPoint, not only to create presentations, but also on the Internet to convene a face-to-face meetings, teleconferences or on the Web to the audience Show presentations. With the popularity of office automation, PowerPoint is more and more widely used.

Interactive Teaching Experience - Lecture 33 - How to Perfectly Use PPT Templates - Pictures (Basic)

Recently participated in the school's independent development of the debriefing, found that many schools in the production of the report on the PPT appeared in the same problem, that is, the use of good templates, but the application of their own content (pictures, videos, text, etc.) can not be integrated with the template, the feeling that the past and present, The style is confusing. In fact, this problem also confuses a lot of teachers, they can not be their own content and templates for the organic combination.

This time to share pictures and PPT templates to integrate the method, I hope to help you.

Before we learn how to integrate pictures and templates, we need to determine a few things first.

Why must know the type of picture?

This is because in general, is the first to write a good speech (speech may be their own writing, but most of them are written by others), and then according to the content of the speech to collect pictures. Then if the person has PPT production experience, they will be faster and more targeted in the search for screening pictures. But if there is no experience in this area to provide pictures, then congratulations, because you will find in the production of PPT more than increase the difficulty of the layout of the picture appears. For example, pictures mixed horizontally and vertically, the number of pictures arranged in a single, the picture is too small, the picture is fuzzy, there is no picture of the text content, there is a picture and do not know with that paragraph of the text and so on. Therefore, it is recommended that writers, leaders, producers, and speakers should know some basic concepts of picture collection in order to improve the efficiency of their work.

The pictures used in school reports or teachers' lessons are broadly categorized as follows:

Photographs of large-scale activities, such as sports events, art performances, outdoor activities, indoor activities, and so on, which are usually taken with cell phones or DSLRs and are of high quality.


(1) pay attention to the selection of the main body of the photo, comprehensive reporting generally the same activity to choose 1 ~ 2 can be, thematic activities can choose more than one.

(2) the same type of activity note horizontal and vertical two specifications, try to use the same specifications in a slide in the picture, or will increase the degree of layout.

(3)Activity photos are recommended to have a panoramic (panoramic view of the site, the scene with a banner panoramic view of the scene of all students standing in line panoramic view, etc.), in the middle of the scene (an activity of a number of local performances, etc.), close-up (focus on an activity of a person or a photo of something) three different types of photographs to facilitate the choice of the later typesetting.

(4) If the event is divided into on-stage and off-stage, generally need on-stage center shot, off-stage panoramic view, the speaker's close-up three.

(5) It is recommended that the person who takes the photos at the school should be conscious of taking photos and organizing them so that they can be used for future work.

The photos of various meetings are generally divided into indoor and outdoor, which are generally taken with cell phones or DSLR cameras and are of high quality.


(1) Indoor meetings generally need a banner with banners in the center (the first two rows of the audience, the leaders on the stage, banners) or panoramic (panoramic view of the venue), close-up photos of the speaker.

(2) outdoor meetings are often on-site meetings, this time the need for the main leaders and accompanying personnel in front of the photo, visit the side of the exhibition boards and other information. Remember not to overlap the back or head of the photo.

(3) meeting photos must require the picture to be positive, such as banners present horizontal state.

(4) It is recommended that the person who takes the school's photographs be aware of the need to take photos and organize them so that they can be used for future work.

Reproduction of physical objects, such as a variety of medals, awards, forms, books, etc., usually with a cell phone or DSLR camera, but most of the light, angle and so on, and often this type of picture will be dark, light reflections, the main body is not correct, the contents of the unclear and other issues.


(1) Don't use flash, use natural light (daylight) or professional soft light, shadowless lamp and other equipment to take pictures.

(2) Keep your cell phone or camera level with the subject, not tilted.

(3) If you have the conditions, you can use a bracket to fix the camera, but if you don't have the equipment, you should pay attention to the anti-shake.

Shooting the appearance of the school or indoor environment, physical equipment, usually with a cell phone or DSLR camera, the quality is higher.


(1) Live-action photos are usually taken in an unoccupied environment, so please try to create the conditions for taking them.

(2)Try to clean up as much as possible before you take a picture, so you can minimize the amount of retouching you have to do later.

(3) Please pay attention to the ambient light situation before shooting, and try to keep the real environment bright enough.

Web images are generally used for decoration, such as the template comes with the relevant pictures and backgrounds.


(1) Try to use high-definition pictures or PNG pictures without background.

(2) It is recommended to collect various pictures that can be used in school, so that it is convenient to call them later in the layout.

After understanding these categories, we should especially ask the picture provider to collect and organize as much as possible according to the requirements.

When we have the hand can be used after the picture, then we have to consider with the speech of the mixed text of the graphic, at this time also need to be divided into several cases to flexible layout.

If the picture in a page or in the whole template is used as a background, it is usually used in the school map, the network with the map to produce.

This kind of practice is put into the bottom layer, and then in the top of the production of solid color rectangle to cover, adjust the opacity of the rectangle to achieve the effect of weakening the picture as a background.

In the page is mainly to show the main picture, text as a supplement to a kind of layout. The point is to let the audience look at the picture to understand the content of the display.

When the use of display map is mainly divided into static and dynamic two kinds of

It is the use of a picture or a number of pictures spliced directly present the method. Most of these practices pay attention to the arrangement, size, border color, border thickness, picture shadow effect on the line.

It is the method of displaying multiple pictures in a page through animation, usually used for the display of group pictures.

Multiple pictures are layered on top of each other, one by one through the animation, the final result is a number of pictures layered effect.

Overlapping switching method is to adjust the size of the pictures, and then overlap the placement, the screening is played one by one, the final presentation is the last picture.

Horizontal scrolling method is to arrange the pictures horizontally, and then combine them into one object, and set the path animation for the combined object to move horizontally to the left and right.

Vertical scrolling method is to arrange multiple pictures vertically, and then combined into one object, the combination of the object to set the path animation for the upward and downward vertical movement.

In the page is mainly text-based, picture-based layout. The focus is for the audience to see the text of the content of the introduction, and then combined with pictures to understand.

This method is the most flexible, but also the most difficult to arrange, I try to analyze in the next article with different templates to examples.

In the picture imported into the PPT before, it is recommended to use Photoshop or other retouching software on the level of the photo correction, color adjustment and other operations is best. If the time is really more urgent or the computer does not have the appropriate software, if there is a network, then recommend two online editing pictures of the Web site

PS online version


Meitus Xiu Xiu Web version

If even the network does not have, then we can only be in the PPT for some simple adjustments.

After importing the picture, in the "correction" can be based on the original picture of the brightness and darkness of the choice to use the appropriate brightness/contrast can be.

After importing a picture, you can set different color effects in "Color" according to the original picture, so as to achieve different typesetting needs.

After importing a picture, you can set different artistic effects in "Artistic Effects" according to the original picture, and you can also make minor adjustments to the effects to achieve different typographic needs.

Using "Delete Background" can easily realize the keying.

Set the markers for retention and deletion, and finally click "Keep Changes".

Specific usage can be clicked to see the "Interactive Teaching Experience - Lecture 8 - Pictures to remove the background of my PPT-"

Because the photo is likely to appear the main body is not in the center, or surrounded by other interferences, then you can use the crop function of the picture to correct.

By adjusting the solid black adjustment point, you can crop the picture, with the gray area outside being invisible.

After you've made your adjustments, click on the outer blank area to end the adjustment and see the results.

In the menu of the crop there are more options, such as crop by shape. Specific use will be explained in the next article in conjunction with the template.

In PowerPoint2013 and above, the picture itself and fonts, shapes can be Boolean, so as to achieve more artistic effects, the specific use of the next article will be combined with examples to explain how to make.

do lecture with ppt courseware, how to add their favorite pictures for the template?

Enter the setting of the background format, in the 'Fill' column click Insert from the 'File', you can choose your favorite picture.



Master Page


Slide Master

Enter slide master editing state, use

Text Box

and other tools to add text or pictures to the slide master; save it with File|Save As; select Save as:

Presentation Template. p>


Design Template;

name the template; use it in Format|

Apply Design


Select the template you saved and apply it.