Difference between microprocessor and microcontroller

A microprocessor (MPU) usually represents a powerful CPU, but is not a chip designed for any specific existing computing purpose. This chip is often the core CPU of personal computers and high-end workstations. microcontroller is a single-chip microcomputer that integrates the main parts of a microcomputer on a single chip. Microcontrollers were born in the mid-1970s, and after more than 20 years of development, their cost has become lower and lower, while their performance has become more and more powerful, which has made their applications ubiquitous in all fields.

A microprocessor consists of a central processor made up of one or a few large-scale integrated circuits. These circuits perform the functions of control components and arithmetic logic components.

The microprocessor can complete operations such as fetching instructions, executing instructions, and exchanging information with external memory and logic components, and is the arithmetic control part of a microcomputer. It can be composed of microcomputers with memory and peripheral circuit chips.