Bupa - The Rolls Royce of High-end Healthcare

To understand Bupa, the Rolls-Royce of high-end healthcare, you need to understand what kind of company Bupa is, and what kind of coverage Bupa offers.

1, Bupa is a kind of company

1947, after the Second World War, the British devastation, the need for medical care is particularly urgent, 17 welfare organizations have joined together to provide customers with high-quality private health insurance services. As a result, the British United

Provident Association was formed, and this is the Bupa we are talking about today.

Bupa is a mutual organization with no shareholders, and it uses all profits from its operations to provide richer and better healthcare to its current and future customers. For more than 70 years, Bupa has grown globally, building its business model to fit local social conditions and healthcare development needs.

Today, Bupa has developed into the only integrated healthcare group in the world, with more than 350 healthcare centers operating 17 medical, as well as more than 510 nursing centers, more than 900 dental clinics, more than 1.38 million service providers in the healthcare network, and 86,000 employees in more than 190 countries and regions around the world to provide services to 16.5 million customers in more than 190 countries and territories around the world.

Bupa's representative office in China was established on August 8, 2006 under the Chinese name of "Bupa". Due to the domestic insurance industry policy, Bupa does not have an insurance license in China yet.

In 2011, Bupa entered into a strategic partnership with Yung Cheng Insurance. Wing Seng Insurance as the underwriter provides customers with comprehensive insurance plans and protection, while Bupa as the administrator provides customers with high-quality medical services. in September 2015, the global medical plan underwritten by Wing Seng Insurance and managed by Bupa Global was successfully launched.

2, Bupa can provide what kind of protection

Bupa's global medical plan in one **** there are five insurance plans, respectively, the excellent hospitalization plan, smart medical plan, superior medical plan, elite medical plan, premium medical plan, Bupa global medical plan.

(1) Premier Hospitalization Plan

This hospitalization-only coverage plan has begun to include medical checkup responsibilities. Although there is only a limit of $2,520, for a hospitalization-only plan, this is rare in the entire high-end market above Bupa, a healthcare insurer, encourages customers to go ahead and use this policy for health management even if they don't have a medical condition.

In China, the nation's current awareness of health management is not strong, resulting in many cancers being found in the middle to late stages. For example, if lung cancer is detected early, the five-year survival rate can reach 70 percent, while if it is found at an advanced stage, the five-year survival rate is only 20 percent. Medical checkups enable diseases to be detected at an early stage and intervene, which is a win-win situation for both insurance companies and insurance consumers.

Because of the high cost of medical care in the United States, this product is positioned relatively low in Bupa's product portfolio and does not include the "United States" in the coverage area. However, the "Worldwide ex-USA" coverage can still provide consumers with strong healthcare resources.

When a serious illness occurs, surgical treatment is one aspect, on the other hand, there is a need for symptomatic medication, and the generation gap between mainland China's medication and that of developed regions abroad is one generation (20 years). In recent years, many people in China choose to go to Hong Kong for treatment when cancer occurs because Hong Kong is a free trade port and medicines are fully synchronized with those abroad.

(2) Smart Choice Medical Plan

Smart Choice Medical Plan, with an annual limit of $9.45 million, which is slightly lower than that of the Premier Inpatient Plan's $12.6 million; and the coverage area has become Asia-Pacific, which is the smallest among all Bupa's coverage plans. There is a limit of 15 outpatient visits; and an outpatient limit of $40,950, with a 20% co-payment for outpatient visits to private healthcare, although fortunately there is no such co-payment limit for routine outpatient visits to public healthcare in mainland China.

As you can see, the Smart Choice plan is the most basic one with outpatient liability. For the family single discount plan: 10% off for 2 people, 15% off for 3 or more. The discount is actually not as strong as the 20% discount reduction for a quarter, and when you enroll at the same time, you need to separate multiple policies if you need to take advantage of the 20% discount.

(3) Superior Medical Plan

Superior plan on the basis of the Smart Plan, the responsibility of the protection has been greatly improved: the annual limit of 31.5 million yuan, the coverage area to the "global except the United States", the outpatient amount of $78,750, the number of visits to 30 times, and the number of visits to the hospital. The number of outpatient visits has been increased to 30. For outpatient deductibles, Bupa gives you a choice of 0%/20%, and from a rate perspective, a 20% deductible is about 8% lower than a zero deductible.

Dental and Ophthalmology, which require a 50% deductible, have a limit of $12,600 a ****. Ophthalmic liability here is not the treatment of eye diseases, but rather the cost of prescription eyeglass lenses and contact lenses to correct vision/visual problems such as nearsightedness or farsightedness.

For weight loss surgery and preventive surgery, it also comes into coverage. Weight loss surgery does not mean bariatric surgery, such as "gastric reduction surgery" can help to reduce the weight significantly; preventive surgery, such as Angelina Jolie's preventive mastectomy some years ago, because Jolie has a family history of this, and at the same time in the genetic testing, it is believed that Jolie's probability of incidence of breast cancer is as high as 87%, so this preventive mastectomy. So this preventive mastectomy was necessary.

Superior Medical Plan's first-quarter offer is a 20 percent discount for single enrollees who are 40 years of age or older.

(4) Elite Medical Plan

When it comes to the Elite plan, looking back at the previous rate summary table, I realize that only the "elite" can match the strength of this plan. However, it's still true that if you pay enough premiums, you'll have no worries about your medical care. The Elite Medical Plan is an annual 63 million yuan of global coverage, and you can enjoy access to any regular hospital in the world. Each parent can insure one child under the age of 10 for free.

The outpatient limit is $472,500, and there are also two choices of 0%/20% deductibles, with a limit of 60 visits. In addition to medical checkups, vision, dental, and vaccines all included in the liability, there are also maternity benefits: a 6-month waiting period, 40% of benefits at 7 to 12 months, and full benefits upon renewal. Delivery Liability: the limit of benefits is 94,500 yuan for a normal delivery and 189,000 yuan for a cesarean section.

When a child is born and one parent has been insured for ten months, the child can be enrolled without underwriting by submitting an application for additional coverage within 30 days of birth. In this case, the cost of treatment for congenital diseases and the cost of staying in an incubator for premature birth are all covered. For families with birth plans, this plan will be more suitable.

(5) Dignity Medical Plan

Coming to the last plan: Dignity Medical Plan, it can be said that all the major liabilities are fully covered. The liability coverage is near impeccable.

Featured liability: rehabilitation at the resort center is available.

Comprehensive Preventive Coverage Benefits: Myopia Correction Surgery, Vaccination, Health Screening, Dental, Genetic Testing.

The most important point: since June 1, 2021, Bupa has increased its focus on the Chinese market, and has made a significant reduction in rates for the Premium Plan. In the 45+ age group, its rates have been cut by more than 50 percent, making it more suitable than the Elite plan at some ages.

From the perspective of quality and price, Bupa's products deserve to be recognized as luxury products in high-end healthcare. However, different products are positioned for different segments, and for Bupa's consumers, the question of price/performance ratio is no longer the focus of their attention, and quality and service are their primary considerations.