What are the majors in science and engineering?

Science and engineering majors are:

1, astronomy: is the study of cosmic space objects, the structure and development of the universe. The content includes the structure, nature and operation law of celestial bodies. Mainly through the observation of celestial bodies emitted to the Earth's radiation, discover and measure their positions, explore their laws of motion, study their physical properties, chemical composition, internal structure, energy sources and their evolutionary laws.

2, engineering: engineering is some kind of application of science and mathematics, through which the properties of nature's matter and energy can be made to work through a variety of structures, machines, products, systems, and processes, is the shortest possible time and the least amount of manpower and material resources to make something efficient, reliable, and useful to mankind. A general term for the various disciplines formed by applying the theories of the natural sciences to specific sectors of industrial and agricultural production.

3, biology: modern biology is a large and eclectic field, consisting of many branches and sub-disciplines. However, despite the vast scope of biology, there are certain general and unifying concepts within it that govern all study and research, integrating it into a single, and coherent field. In general, biology recognizes the cell as the basic unit of life, the gene as the basic unit of heredity, and evolution as the engine that drives the synthesis and creation of new species.

4, chemistry: chemistry is one of the natural sciences, at the molecular and atomic level to study the composition, nature, structure and change law of substances; the science of creating new substances. Chemistry content is generally divided into biochemistry, organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, applied chemistry and chemical engineering, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and other seven categories **** 80 items, actually includes seven sub-disciplines.

5, physics: physics is the study of the most general laws of matter in motion and the basic structure of matter. The main courses in general physics are: advanced mathematics, mechanics, thermodynamics, optics, electromagnetism, atomic physics, solid state physics, structure and physical properties. The main courses in theoretical physics are: mathematical physical methods, theoretical mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical physics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and introductory computational physics.


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