2, high-voltage distribution cabinet XGN2-10, size 2200 * 1100. about 20,000 (switch 10,000 copper row cabinet 10,000)
3, AC low-voltage distribution cabinet GGD3-02, size 2200 * 1100, built-in switch ME-17 (2500A 600V); 80 * 8 copper row of 30 meters. About 30,000 (switch 17,000 copper row 10,000 other 0.3 million)
4, reactive power compensation cabinet GGD1-02, size 2200 * 900, built-in 8 groups of capacitors, knife switch (1000A 600V). About 10,000 (switch, capacitor, controller 0.8 million other 0.2 million)
5, switchgear cabinet ME-15 (1500A 600V), size 2200 * 900. about 21,000 (switch 15,000, other 0.6 million)
6, AC low-voltage distribution cabinet GG2-388, size 2200 * 900, built-in knife switch 1000A 600V; 3 plastic shell type circuit breakers, CM-400L (315A 600V). About 0.8 million
We specialize in the production of distribution cabinets, and the acquisition. 联系我bstlss@126.com