Nucleic acid sampling point medical waste reaches what medical waste packaging bag for collection and encapsulation

Nucleic acid sampling point medical waste reaches 3/4 of the medical waste bag for collection and encapsulation. Nucleic acid sampling point medical waste disposal process sampling personnel sampling work is over or medical waste to reach 3/4 of the bag of medical waste sampling personnel in accordance with standardized procedures to take off the protective equipment placed in a special yellow medical waste bags, replacement of medical waste disposal of protective equipment, the use of double-layer yellow bags of medical waste were used in the goose-necked knotted closure, disinfection of the layered and 1000mg / L of chlorine disinfection solution spraying Disinfection, the medical waste generated at the nucleic acid sampling point will be handed over to the medical waste transporter with a designated vehicle, and transported to the hospital for temporary storage of medical waste. The transfer personnel and the temporary storage point receivers weigh, and do a good job of handover registration, registration includes the source of medical waste, type, weight, handover time, handover personnel signature, off protective equipment to do a good job of personal disinfection. Temporary storage point staff and medical waste disposal agencies transfer personnel weighing, and do a good job of handover registration strict implementation of the medical waste transfer joint bill system, the registration content, including the source of medical waste, type, weight, handover time, handover personnel signature, the final destination.