Tax-advantaged medical insurance and social health insurance needless to say, belonging to the state vigorously promote or the state implementation of the policy of medical insurance, and the state can guarantee renewal of medical insurance. The policy is guaranteed to be renewed, and you can also take out a policy with a medical condition. The long term medical insurance from the beginning of the contract from the beginning of the clear up to several decades of coverage period, in a sense, is also guaranteed to renew. Some of the one-year medical insurance policies on the market are renewable but not guaranteed to be renewed, and if the insured has had a claim during the period of coverage, he or she may not be able to pass the health notification.
Guaranteed renewal means that at the end of the coverage period, the insured person makes a request for renewal, and the insurance company must accept and underwrite the policy at the originally agreed premium rate and terms. Some salespeople will misinterpret non-guaranteed renewal products as guaranteed renewal medical insurance when they introduce the product, and consumers should pay attention to this when buying. The purchase of insurance can consult the milkman insurance, milkman insurance is a professional third-party insurance consulting platform, providing professional consultants multi-one service, completely standing in the customer's point of view for the customer tailored to the asset allocation program, will not be due to any interest in favor of any insurance company and products.