Value assessment of brand value

The first category is the value assessment related to shareholders' equity, that is, the enterprise's own property rights changes or the use of the right to expand the value of quantitative needs, this assessment must be based on the purpose of the assessment, according to the evaluation standards and methods promulgated by the state, case by case. It is specialized for the commissioned enterprise service, provides the enterprise transaction bottom price reference.

The second category is the assessment of research nature released to the society and serving the society. That is, it is used for the value quantification carried out by the brand value comparison. This kind of assessment, must be to choose the same standards, methods, benchmark date, a unified group assessment. It is not for the service of a particular enterprise, it is for the community to provide consulting reference.

The former emphasizes transactionality and the latter emphasizes comparability. The number of trademarks assessed by the former is no longer comparable. The former assessment is limited by the purpose of the transaction or assessment, the size of the transaction to be made, and the degree of acceptance by both parties to the transaction, while the comparative evaluation is not subject to any external subjective factors, and is based solely on the objective indicators used under the system standards for the estimation of the intrinsic value. (1) Establish a team combining marketing and finance senior managers and analysts. The commander-in-chief can be handed over to a more neutral third party, or commissioned outside the company's professional responsibility.

(2) Re-examine the way the finance and marketing departments assess brand value, preferably by looking at relevant literature from the past and reviewing international standards.

(3) It is necessary to adopt financial and consumer research-oriented valuation methods and to obtain **** knowledge in order to make the valuation work smoothly and achieve the task.

(4) Conducting financial evaluations, as well as the necessary market research studies, both of which must yield reasonable and compatible results

(5) Recognizing the feasible methods of evaluating a brand and identifying the differences between each of them, in order to arrive at the most reasonable and non-controversial brand value.

(6) Make your marketing strategy measurable by setting campaign goals based on agreed-upon asset values.