SMD power inductors can be used in highly automated production. Its main feature is that it can be automatically printed, which is more advantageous than other inductors in production. At the same time, it is a chip inductor, because the current labor is more expensive. Plug-in inductors are generally plugged in manually, so For example, one person can insert three to four pieces. For chip power inductors, the machine can fully automatically print the pieces. This not only saves labor, but also greatly improves efficiency.
We all know that producing a usable inductor requires various parameter requirements, such as inductance, resistance, current, voltage, etc. The parameters of chip power inductors are actually the same as those of other inductors. During production, it depends on its package size, height and other parameters.
The magnetic cores of chip power inductors mainly include: manganese-zinc and nickel-zinc. In addition, their packaging is generally plate-packed, and the number of plates depends on customer requirements. SMD power inductors are mainly used in: communication equipment, power supply products and other fields. In addition, SMD power inductors are also automotive grade inductors and are used in automotive products.
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