Can I teach myself CNC programming?

Yes, manual programming is easy. Just memorize the instruction and its format.

For example, I use the FANUC system, walking straight line instruction is G01, clockwise arc instruction G02 counterclockwise arc instruction 03, fast approach G00, speed with F said

If you want to walk from point A (x1,y1) straight line to the point B (x2,y2) tool walking speed is 10mm/min

Then the format is < /p>

G00 x1,y1

G01 x2,y2 F=10

Of course this is just one paragraph to give you an idea, look at the instructions for your Mitsubishi system for details. Translating your intentions into instructions expressed in a prescribed format for the machine to know is OK.

To do a good job the main content in the machining process, such as the workpiece is what material with spindle speed, cutting amount is how much and so on. Programming alone is very simple.