Notification letter is one of the official letter used in our daily life, the letter is not subordinate to each other between the authorities to discuss the work, inquiries and answers to questions, or to the competent authorities to request approval of the matter when the use of official documents. First of all, we need to understand the format of the notification letter.
A letter format
Letter by the first part, the body and the paragraph three parts. The format, content and writing requirements of its parts are as follows:
(a) the first part.
Mainly includes the title, the main sender of two items of content.
1. Title.
2. The main sending organization.
(ii) the body.
The structure is generally composed of the beginning, body, end, conclusion and other parts.
1. The beginning. Mainly explain the reason for the letter. Generally require a general account of the purpose of the letter, based on the reasons and other content, and then with "now the relevant issues are as follows:" or "now the relevant matters letter to the following:" and other transitional language into the following. Reply to the cause of the part of the letter, generally first cited the title of the incoming text, the text number, and then account for the basis to explain the cause of the letter.
2. This is the core content of the letter part, mainly explain the matter to the letter. The matter of the letter part of the content of a single letter, a letter of one thing, the line should be straight to the matter. Whether it is to negotiate work, inquiries and answers to questions, or to the relevant authorities to request approval of the matter, etc., should be concise and appropriate language to tell the other side of the problem, the views of the narrative clear. If it is a letter of reply, but also pay attention to the response to the matter of relevance and clarity.
Generally use polite language to the other side of the hope. Or ask the other party to assist in solving a problem, or ask the other party to reply in a timely manner, or ask the other party to put forward their views or ask the competent authorities to approve, and so on.
4. Conclusion.
Often should be based on the letter of inquiry, letter, letter or letter of reply to the matter, choose to use different concluding remarks. Such as "hereby letter of inquiry", "please reply", "hereby letter", "hereby letter", "hereby letter reply" and so on. Some of the letter can not use the ending, such as the letter, like ordinary letters, the use of "hereby", "respectfully".
(C) paragraph.
Generally include the signature and the time of writing two contents. Signature of the name of the organization, write the time of writing year, month, day; and stamped with the official seal.
Two, writing letters should pay attention to the problem
Letter writing, first of all, pay attention to the concise and clear, with the language to grasp the situation. Secondly, the letter also has the problem of timeliness, especially the reply should be rapid and timely.
Example: letter of change of purchasing staff of Hongda Limited
To Star and Moon Limited:
Hello, Manager Zhang, thank you very much for the support and love given by you and your company over a long period of time, which has enabled us to establish a good platform for cooperation! From November 16, 2021, our company's purchasing responsible person changed to Li Si, Tel: 38655556, Mobile: 1365684XXXX, Fax: XXX, Email: XXX, there are problems in time to communicate, in the future, if someone with your company to order the goods, purely personal behavior has nothing to do with our company, I hereby write to you! I also hope that Manager Zhang received a reply, thank you!
Macro Limited November 16, 2021