How to fill out the file volume docket?

The docket is the volume of the file notes, mandatory items are generally the volume of the number of pages (scientific and technological files also include the number of drawings, disks, CD-ROMs, etc.), file (filing) people, inspectors, such as the date of filing. In addition to the required items, the volume of the archives of the archives and other related to the situation of other related files and so on is sometimes very important.

Volume docket refers to the volume of the document status of the record sheet, arranged in the volume after the document. Used to indicate the volume of documents and the status of the volume. Its content includes: the volume of the situation description, the volume of the person, the inspector, the time of the volume of four parts.

The main purpose

One is to record the situation of the volume;

The second is to record the changes in the file (including archives rescue);

Third for the use of the file check;

Fourth for the appraisal of archives to check.

Volume docket

Documentation note: the case of litigation in the main volume of a book, a volume. This volume for the main volume, *** page. File: inspector: file time: month and year

Volume docket

Description of the file: the case of the main volume of the lawsuit in a book, a volume of secondary volume. This volume for the secondary volume. *** page. File: inspector: file time: month and year