Please help me to translate the English ~~ it is medical equipment...

1 Protected information Trocar

There is a casing of 2 Pyramid of information Trocar

3 Protected Trocar and a casing (through)

4 valves and CO2 caps

5 A casing with 13 mm - 4 mm pressure reducer valves

6 15 mm disposable Replacement reducer valve (10-15 mm) and CO2 cap incl. 5 mm reducer

7 3 mm x 70 mm casing and valve (smooth)

8 Protective info Trocar with one smooth casing

9 Reusable smooth bore casing

10 Bronte info Obturator and with sutured casing fixing device

11 Protected Trocar with a casing (Portuguese)

12 1 Reusable casing, packaged in a non-consequential

13 Reusable casing without equipment and spare parts for disposable valves (through)

14 Bladeless Trocar with operating <

Info 15 Bladeless Obturator w/anchor attached (without pressure reducer cap)

16 Bladeless Obturator w/anchor attached and a cannula with sutures

17 Cholecystectomy Procedure Tools (Portuguese)

Operation of the Laparoscopy 18 sets of tools for the procedure and accessories tools

19 Veress needles

20 Disposable mono polar telegraph-compatible Valleylab, 3 m, female banana 4 mm pairs valleylab connector

21 Disposable mono polar telegraph-universal, 3 m, male banana pair

21 Disposable mono polar telegraph-universal, 3 m, male banana pairs Connector 4mm female banana 4mm

Isolated 22 rotating due to high frequency connector and transformable ratchet operation

23 axial metal with ratchet operation

24 reusable Maryland Detailed Study and Greedy Pliers with Flushable Shaft

25 reusable Metzenbaum with Flushable Handle Bent Dissecting Scissors

26 Reusable "Claws" (2 x 3 Teeth) with Flushable Shafts for Positive Greedy Pliers

27 Reusable "Long Coat Grip" Greedy Pliers Inserted by Atriumatic

Reusable "Mixte" Right Angle Dissector Inserted by 28

29 Greedy pliers inserted by reusable "Egret" Atriumatic (finger)

30 Greedy pliers inserted by reusable "Pocket Fenestrated"

Reusable straight dissecting scissors inserted by 31

Reusable 32 Cut into jagged Metzenbaums Bent dissecting scissors inserted

33 Monopolar Grasper, 5 mm, Babcock, non-ratchetin

34 Bipolar ergonomic operated with rotating shaft

35 Bipolar replacement seal falling

36 Bipolar telegraph for Erbe/Storz generator

Telegraph for Martin/Birkettold/Aesculap generator 37 Telegraph for Bipolar

38 Telegraph for Bipolar for Conmed/Universal generator

Telegraph for Bipolar for Hirsch insertion 39

40 Primary suction irrigation insert 8 Ventilation holes probed