In fact, the radiation mainly comes from the battery wave, and modern people live in the electromagnetic wave environment every day. Such as lightning and thunder, the atmosphere, etc. are generated electromagnetic waves, which is from the natural phenomenon of electromagnetic waves; and electromagnetic waves from human society, from radio transmitting equipment, industrial equipment and medical equipment, such as radio stations, microwave ovens, televisions, and so on will produce electromagnetic waves. In fact, in any place on earth, no matter day or night, there are a variety of different frequencies, intensity varies, invisible, touch and smell electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves exist around us like air.
According to China's laws, the construction of mobile communication base stations must comply with the "electromagnetic radiation protection regulations" and "environmental electromagnetic wave health standards" requirements. Which provides that the electric field strength as long as less than 12 volts per meter, or power density of less than 40 microwatts per square centimeter, is in line with safety standards, this standard is even lower than the level of radiation from cell phones, computers, and therefore will not have an impact on the health of nearby households.
China's communication base station standards strictly in line with the requirements of national standards, its electric field strength is far less than 12 volts / m, the power density is far less than 40 microwatts per square centimeter, in the mobile communications band (800MHz-2100MHz), China's development of the electromagnetic radiation standards than the international non-ionizing radiation recommended standards 11.25-26.25 times stricter, China's mobile communication base station The radiation standard of China's mobile communication base station can be called the strictest standard in the world. That is to say that China's communications base stations are completely within the safe range.
Not only that, according to research findings, a reasonable density of base stations not only does not cause harm to the person, but also will make the radiation intensity of the cell phone is reduced. It is understood that there is an intelligent control mechanism between the cell phone and the base station, dynamically adjusting the call channel between each other, electromagnetic radiation power. A coverage radius of 500 to 700 meters in the communication base station, relative to the range of cell phones, the farther away from the base station, the corresponding channel and the phone's peak power of the emission is stronger.
When a cell phone is talking in a building about 700 meters away from the base station, the peak transmitter power of the cell phone is about 2W; and when the cell phone moves to a viewing distance of 1 to 200 meters away from the base station, the transmitter power of the corresponding channel between the base station and the cell phone will be automatically adjusted to be about 0.1W, respectively. In other words, the high density of base stations, each base station and the corresponding transmit power between the cell phone will become lower, if the number of base stations is not enough, the cell phone transmit power increases, the human body will have a bad effect.