What is the resistivity of enamelled wire with a diameter of about 5 mm?

Enamelled wire only has a layer of insulating paint on its surface, which will not affect the resistivity of the original wire. The resistivity of the original wire is the same as that of the enameled wire.

In fact, the standard resistivity of pure copper is 0.0 1709 instead of 0.0 175.

The enameled wire with resistivity of 0.02 is copper-clad aluminum enameled wire. Copper-clad aluminum enamelled wire is made by coating a layer of copper skin on an aluminum core, then coating an insulating paint and drying. There is 28%-40% copper in the copper-clad aluminum enamelled wire market. It is not pure copper enamelled wire, so the resistivity is very high. Generally around 0.026.